Cystic Acne: Serious Cures for Serious Acne


Cystic acne is a more advanced case of a pimple. Millions of people around the world have some kind of acne or another, but cystic acne is one of the more severe types out there. It develops from a regular pimple, also known as a pustule, by rooting itself deeper within the skin and forming a painful sore known as a cyst. These cysts can vary in size and color from small and pink to large and a dark purple. In severe cases, multiple cysts in the facial area and on the body can be extremely painful.

While almost everyone is exposed to some kind of acne at some point in his or her life, cystic acne seems to be largely hereditary. If one of your parents had or has cystic acne, there is a higher percent chance that you will be exposed to some form of it as well. On the face may be the worst, but cystic acne can form on other parts of the body also. It commonly appears on the chest, legs, neck, shoulders, and back. These cysts can be covered by clothes, but be cautious: tight-fitting clothing can further irritate and dry out the skin, leading to more painful cysts. It is a good idea to try and wear loose fitting clothing when suffering from bodily acne.

When a person is going through a cycle of cystic acne, they can often be desperate for a fast cure. One of the known medications found to be effective for severe cystic acne is Isotretinoin. It is found in the prescription drug Accutane and is a concentrated form of Vitamin A. While it is proven to be effective in severe cases of acne, Accutane should be used as a last resort because of its side effects. In pregnant women, it has been known to cause birth defects and even possible miscarriages. Women who are prescribed Accutane are required to also use two forms of birth control to prevent conception.

If you are a woman, you may want to consider a product that is still effective without being quite so potent. Many women have found success with deep cleaners such as Neutrogena or Proactiv solution , products that contain higher levels of benzoyl peroxide, a substance proven to be safe for pregnant women to use. Another advantage of trying other products before seeing a dermatologist is the cost, as consulting a physician can very often be pretty expensive. It may be cheaper to find out that a treatment available without a prescription worked as well as a cure that required a doctor visit.

Whatever treatment you decide is best for yourself, remember that cystic acne can be overcome. There are many treatments available and you may not find the most effective one right at first. Talking to a physician or dermatologist may be able to point you in the right direction on your way to a clearer complexion.

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