Breaking the Espresso Habit


There are probably hundreds of thousands of individuals that start off their day and mornings with a shot of espresso beverages. In addition, those same people probably also have a shot of espresso in the evening before they go to bed. If you are one of those espresso drinkers, though, have you ever considered that you may be fostering an unhealthy habit? Indeed, there are actually plenty of people throughout the world that continue drinking shot after shot of espresso only to eventually be an espresso addict. This is not necessarily the best thing for anyone, though, as hardly any habits and addictions are good.

If you know that you have an espresso addiction, though, and would like to try to kick the habit then there are plenty of ways in which you can successful get unhooked from the beverage that millions across the globe love! Here are some ways that one can break the espresso habit successfully, though, without adding too much fuel to the fire:

Try Replacing It

Although if you’re an espresso drinker you probably don’t even want to think about the word “replacing” when it comes to your espresso habit, but replacing espresso with something much healthier is recommended by all health professionals if one has an unhealthy addiction to the drink! A couple examples of the beverages that you could replace espresso with include natural, 100% fruit juices, tomato juice, or even freshly squeezed orange juice! Fruit juices are just one healthy example of the way that you can replace espresso, but another suggestion would be to just replace it with regular black coffee. Even though many people think that espresso has much more caffeine than regular coffee, this could be true if you are continually drinking 5 or more shots of espresso in one sitting!

Avoid the Situation

Another suggestion to break the espresso habit includes avoiding the situation altogether that would have you enjoying one or more shots of espresso! If you are habitually late to the office then cutting back on your coffee shop stops may be just what you need in order to stop the espresso addiction. On the other hand if there are other matters of business that require your attention early in the morning or late at night then these would be opportune times to get things done rather than just procrastinate! Perhaps also you could arrive to your normal work-place earlier than normal to get a head start on the work you already have on your plate. Nevertheless, though, avoiding the coffee shop that regularly serves you countless espresso shots is a good idea if you want to break the habit!

All of these ways are great ideas to use if you realize that your addiction to espresso is becoming an unhealthy one. All addictions require adequate care by the person who is trying to stop; espresso is no different, however, one can easily learn to live without it in order to enjoy a more healthier life!