Have You Read A Law Of Attraction Book Yet?


Many books have been written around the subject area of the law of attraction. The most famous is probably the “Secret”. This law of attraction book was released by Rhoda Byrne in 2006. Rhoda is living proof that these laws work.

Her daughter gave her a copy of the Science Of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles. Mr Wattles wrote his book in the early 1900’s. Rhoda’s life was in turmoil and her daughter believed this book would help and the rest is history.

What is key to the book, is the fact, that when Rhoda left Australia to travel to the US to meet the various teachers; she hadn’t any firm appointments set up. She went to the States “knowing ” that she would be able to get such people as Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield, James Ray, Joe Vitale to appear on her production. And they all did. Suffice it to say that any money worries Ms Byrne had are now firmly in the past. But not only has she secured financial freedom for herself and her family but for millions around the world who have been alerted to the powers of the law of attraction.

The Law of Attraction is not a new age theory. This law has been around since time began. Many people have referred to it in their teachings, albeit they may not have called it by the same name.

Another excellent law of attraction book is Charles Haanel’s “The Master Key System”. Although published in 1912, this book is very popular today. It consists of 24 weekly lessons all designed to help you to have your dream life.

“The Art of Money Getting” by PT Barnum is another early 1900s book based loosely on the law of attraction. As the title suggests, it aims to help readers to achieve their financial goals.

Modern teachers of the law of attraction include Bob Proctor and Jack Canfield. In their respective books, they teach you how to manifest abundance in all areas of your life. They cover your health, wealth and spiritual wellbeing. Jack’s book, “The Success Principles”, has become a worldwide best seller and set his reputation as a leader in this field. Bob Proctor has been teaching the “Secret” long before it was known as that. His books have sold millions of copies worldwide. You may have read his international best seller “You were born Rich”.

James Ray, another teacher featured in the “Secret”, has also written a number of books. In my opinion his best one is “Harmonic Wealth”. This law of attraction book illustrates how the forces in your life work in tandem with one another. In order to be truly happy and fulfilled you must have abundance in all five areas i.e. financially, relationally, intellectually, physically and spiritually.

Do yourself a favour and start reading any of the law of attraction books. Apply the knowledge and your life will never be the same again!