Healthy Eating for a Healthier, More Beautiful You


The film “Upsize Me” clearly showcases what America has been doing to itself in the recent years, killing their body with an unhealthy lifestyle fuelled by greasy, carbo-laden junk food. While diets and healthy eating are greatly promoted and followed nowadays, the allure of burgers, pizzas, milkshakes and fries just couldn’t be ignored; there is just something that’s so great about them, the Taste.

Our body is very dependent on what we eat and how much food we consume. Food is essential to our system, the energy it supplies is essential to the operation of every system in our body. But too much of one thing will develop into an overload which our body can’t handle. It is vital to protect this system or it will break down.

Unhealthy foods are more difficult for our body to digest. This doesn’t allow for the nutrients to be fully absorbed by the body. Chemical changes occur can be damaging to our body.

Healthy eating allows us to know what to eat, when to eat, how to eat. It is not just what you eat but also how you eat them. A relaxed method of eating in a slow deliberate manner allows our body to process the food well.

A well-balanced healthy eating diet allows us to have a healthier body and a healthier lifestyle. As we grow accustomed to healthy eating, we can notice major changes on not only the way we look, but as well as how we feel.

Having a healthy body allows a person to feel more confident about him or her self providing a better outlook in life. The benefits are boundless, healthy eating is an option that no one will ever regret taking.