Help Support Your Local Red Cross Organization


Red Cross is a non-profit organization that steps in to help those in need during and after some type of crisis situation. However, they also work hard to provide individuals with information for them to prepare themselves for a crisis situation. Educating the public about storing emergency survival kits is an important part of their work. It isn’t always possible for emergency assistance to respond immediately.

The Red Cross is continually in need of funding and supplies to keep their operations going. They often need assistance to replenish the items they give out to people during their time of need. You can make a cash donation to your local Red Cross organization that is tax deductible. It can be any amount you are able to assist them with based on your own budget. You can also donate supplies they may need including clothing, toys, radios, flashlights, phone cards, and vehicles.

Household goods and items are often needed at your local Red Cross as well. Furniture including items for baby’s, tables and chairs, and beds are all often asked for by those in need. Anything that falls into this category that is in good condition can be donated and is also usable as an income tax write off.

You can volunteer your time to your local Red Cross as well. More than 95% of their help is on a volunteer basis. You won’t be under any obligation to give any specific amount of time. They often have various activities they need assistance with including food and clothing drives. More volunteers are needed during crisis situations but there are always plenty of ongoing activities to help with on a regular basis if you are available.

Donating blood is a great way to help your local Red Cross. They generally have blood drives on certain days of the month so contact them to find out the schedule. Blood is often in need during a crisis sitatuion and the Red Cross works hard to keep a good supply of it rather than just collecting it at the time of desperate need.

During natural disasters such as Hurricane Katrina, the local Red Cross organizations were helpful in getting families reunited with each other. Not knowing where their loved ones were was a huge burden to many families. Having a centralized system where people can register to be found or to find others is very important.

Being a local advocate for the Red Cross is important because people are more willing to donate their time, money, and goods to an organization if they are aware of what services they provide. You can also advocate for those in need to contact the Red Cross to see if they can assist them with some of their basic needs.

Another great way to help your local Red Cross organization is to pay attention to those that may be frauding the system. During times of need there will be scammers that try to get a piece of the assistance being offered. This takes away valuable resources from those that really need it to be available to them. Report any suspicions to your local Red Cross or to local law enforcement agencies.