Herpes Home Remedies 7 Helpful Tips To Slow Your Outbreaks


Most people know that herpes is a sexually transmitted disease. Herpes Simplex Virus is responsible for genital herpes. The two types of herpes simplex viruses are: Herpes Simplex Type 1 and Herpes Simplex Type 2. You can’t catch herpes from a toilet seat, it is spread from direct contact and is common in both males and females. There is no cure for herpes so the focus is on relieving the symptoms and decreasing the length of an outbreak, and there are many effective herpes home remedies that can help you do that. The most reliable treatments work best when applied as soon as possible after an outbreak.

Genital herpes is caused by both the herpes simplex viruses, 1 and 2. Type 1 usually forms on the lips and produces cold sores and fever blisters, however it can also cause lesions in the genital area.

The type 2 is the most common cause for the genital variety of herpes. This is transferred from one person to another during sexual activities.

The most common symptoms of herpes are: itching, burning, leg pain and discomfort, pain in the buttocks and genitals, vaginal discharge, a bloated feeling in the stomach, headache, fever, sore muscles, pain during urination, and swollen groin glands.

The problem is that the symptoms are often not recognized so it can be easy to spread the disease from one person to another since they might not know they even have it. It usually takes anywhere from two days to ten days for the symptoms to show up and the symptoms can be different from one person to the next. The symptoms, when they do show up, will usually last up to three weeks.

Some home remedies can be:

1. Taking a warm bath or washing the affected areas a few times a day with a soft cloth and warm water. Make sure you let the affected areas dry thoroughly. If it’s more comfortable use a blow dryer instead of rubbing the area with a towel, to dry off. Wearing breathable cotton clothes is better than synthetic options.

There are also over the counter medications that can help lower the fever and decrease the pain when you have an outbreak.

Here are some things you can do that can help reduce the number of outbreaks you get:

1. Don’t let yourself get overly tired. Always try to get enough sleep.
2. Avoid a lot of sun exposure.
3. Don’t wear tight, unbreathable clothes that can cause chafing.
4. Try to de-stress. Getting rid of stress in your life will help so many areas of your health and well being.
5. Avoid spicy, deep fried, and junk food.
6. Don’t soak in water immediately after you’ve worked out.
7. Don’t exercise right after you’ve eaten.

Some herbal remedies you can use are: echinacea, ginseng, aloe vera, lysine, and zinc.

While herpes can’t be cured you can use these simple to follow herpes home remedies to lessen the number and severity of outbreaks. And remember, even if you don’t have any symptoms you can still pass this on to others, so always practice safe sex.