Mobility Scooters Battery


Correct maintenance of your battery will not only ensure a long life, but also ensure maximum performance from your scooter in terms of speed and distance covered per charge. Please fins below are a few tips on how to maintain your battery.

Charging of the battery.

This is probably one of the most important procedures to ensure long life and maximum distance coverage. It is advisable to spend time carefully reading the manufacturers manual for full instructions. Even if you have taken your mobility scooter on a trip to the shops or round the block it is still advisable to put the battery on charge. Once the battery is fully charged, the charger will continue to release a small trickle of power into the battery, ensuring a maximum charge.

Keeping the battery cool.

Storing the mobility scooter and battery in a cool dry place will also prolong the life of the battery. Although heat will not damage the battery correct storage will improve performance.

Greasing the of terminals.

Regular greasing of the terminals will prolong the life of the battery. Greasing should be carried out as part of the If your mobility scooters service, but regular checking and greasing if necessary will also prolong the life of the battery.

Ensuring the battery is kept clean.

Damp and wet conditions can cause damage to the battery so if you scooter and battery get wet or damp simply wipe down with a cloth ensuring it is kept as dry as possible.