Mobility scooter tyres


As with any pneumatic tyre Mobility scooter tyres are susceptible to damage and punctures from normal use. Many users are dependent on their mobility scooters and punctures can cause a lot of stress and hassle, especially if they become stranded as a result.

The following guide has been collected to help mobility scooter users to consider the options for reducing the risk of punctures and tyre damage.

1. Solid tyres – Solid tyres are now available for mobility scooters and are completely puncture resistant as they are made from a solid rubber compound. This option offers the very best protection against punctures. This form of construction however does lead to a firmer ride, as solid tyres will not absorb impacts from road surface in the same way as a pneumatic tyre. This can become a real issue for users who travel longer distances and for those with back related problems.

2. Punctured proofing tyres – Puncture proofing is a process used to make a standard pneumatic tyre more resistant to punctures. Puncture proofing is usually offered as an ‘upgrade’ rather than a standard manufacture feature. This process involves spraying a chemical into the tyre once inflated, and creates a seal inside the tyre to help resist punctures. This process allows the users to gain the benefits of standard pneumatic tyres with the reduced risk of punctures. However puncture proofing is expensive so it is worth shopping round for the best price. Some mobility dealer’s offer ‘discounted’ puncture proofing when supplying new a new mobility scooter so always ask for details.

3. Inflation – Check your tyre pressures on a regular basis against the manufactures recommendations. This will prolong life of the mobility scooter tyres and ensure you have a smooth and safe ride.

4. Replacement – As with all vehicle tyres it is important to replace tyres once they are worn to reduce risk of punctures and accidents. If you have any doubt about the level of wear on you tyres please seek advice from a profession service agent. Replacement inner tubes can sometimes be purchased to reduce the cost of repairing punctures once they occur.