Try These Warm-Weather Foot Health Tips


With more opportunities to feel the grass beneath your feet and take barefoot walks along the sand, the warmer months of the year can also be an excellent time to lavish some extra care on your feet.

During the warmer months, people are reminded to protect and prepare the entire body and that includes the feet, which are often the most neglected part of the body.

Here are a few guidelines provided by the American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA) to help you take care of your feet and keep them in good shape for sandal season.

Apply Yourself

Don’t forget to apply sunscreen to your feet, especially to the tops and fronts of ankles. Make sure you reapply if you’re in the water.

Keep Your Feet Clean

Clean, dry feet resist disease. Make sure you wash and dry your feet thoroughly, especially between the toes, and apply a topical anti-fungal medication on any cracked or itchy skin.

Choose Comfort

Don’t jeopardize the health of your feet because you just found the sandals “you have to own.” These sandals may be trendy but your feet may pay for this decision.

Fortunately, shoe brands such as Aravon offer superior comfort combined with style in extensive sizes and widths, so you no longer have to suffer to look great.

Protect Your Feet

Wear shoes that are specific to the activity or sport you are parti-cipating in. Wear sneakers when running or boots when working outside or mowing the lawn. There is a time and place for sandals. The running track or tennis court is not one of them.

Finishing Toe Touches

Only apply nail polish if you have healthy nails. Nail polish locks out moisture and doesn’t allow the nail or nail bed to breathe, so people who suffer from already discolored toenails will aggravate their condition by not allowing their nails to be exposed to air. Whatever the condition of your nails, remove nail polish on a regular basis.


To thoroughly moisturize your feet, wrap them in cellophane overnight. The cellophane acts as a makeshift sauna, locking in moisturizer. By morning your feet will be soothingly soft.

Kick Your Feet Up

A long day on your feet can make your feet swell. Give them a rest and reduce the swelling by sitting back and elevating the feet and legs at the end of a long day.