The Skin Explained


The skin is one of the largest organs in the body. The skin is an organ of the body just like our liver, kidneys etc. Most people think of the skin as simply a cover for the body and do not tend to associate it with the rest of the system. As with all of the other organs in our body, the skin has a variety of highly specialized functions to fulfill. Whilst there may be conditions in which the skin is specifically involved, it plays its part in every kind of illness. The skin may have to carry the burden of other ill-functioning organs when the system is under strain.

The Structure of the Skin

As mentioned previously the skin is one of the biggest organs of the body and a man has approximately 1.5 square meters of skin. The skin consists of two distinct layers. The outer layer is known as the epidermis and the layer beneath which is known as the dermis.

The outer layer (epidermis) is the really protective layer and is thicker in parts where protection is most needed, such as on the soles of the feet.

The under layer (dermis) is also designed to give protection, as well as provide a variety of other functions. In the dermis we find the nerves, blood and lymph vessels, together with the sweat and sebaceous glands and other specialized cells.

Our skin being one of the most important organs of the body, depends for its health on our whole internal system functioning well.

The Digestive System and the Skin

As the skin covers the body we do not relate it directly to the digestive process. However, to try and understand the true function of the skin and thus take care of it, we must recognize the fact that it is closely associated with the nutrition of the entire body. It is clearly evident, that the maintenance of a healthy skin is directly and extremely dependent on the dietary habits of an individual. Therefore, the state of the skin can be affected more quickly through this medium than in any other way.

The habit of overeating, especially of sugary foods, will affect the skin more dramatically and quickly then people would imagine. Conversely, ‘under eating’ certain types of food, thus leading to a deficiency in vitamins and minerals will lead to skin problems and disorders. If we do not eat a balanced diet and our diet is very lop sided, then this will lead to problems which will be shown on our skin. Crucially, all of these skin problems and conditions are end-results and need no direct treatment. More importantly they need tackling at their source i.e. in the disorders of the digestive system.

Therefore, the conclusion of this is that the health of the skin must be considered in direct relationship to the food that we eat.