How Does Alcohol Addiction Affect Your Life – Social and Otherwise


Most people with an alcohol addiction don’t actually think that they have a problem, they are usually in denial of their obsession with drinking. Alcohol addiction will affect not only your physical and mental well being but it also affects those around you. Alcoholism can take control of your life if you don’t seek treatment and it is the cause of many family break ups, job losses and ruined lives.

Let’s take a look at how alcohol addiction can affect your life.


Alcoholism can put you at a greater risk of developing cancer, particularly cancer involving the digestive system. Cancer relating to alcohol can be found in the mouth, lips, tongue, throat, voice box, oesophagus, colon and rectum. Women are also at a higher risk of developing breast cancer if they are an alcoholic.

Alcohol abuse can also be hazardous to the health of your heart. Too much alcohol can cause high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke. If you have a history of heart disease, either yourself or a family history, then you are at an even higher risk.

Drinking can also do serious damage to the liver. Cirrhosis of the liver is a very serious disease and alcoholic hepatitis is another which may cause abdominal pain, fever and jaundice. Once the damage is done to the liver it can’t usually be cured and you may find that your only hope is a transplant, although if the damage is minor and you stop drinking you can prevent further damage. Liver problems can also lead to problems that affect the brain like mood and personality disorders, anxiety, depression and even sleep disorders can occur.

If a woman is pregnant while abusing alcohol it can cause many problems for both her and the baby. The baby could be born with fetal alcohol syndrome and this can result in some serious mental, behavioral, physical and developmental issues.

The brain is also often affected by alcohol abuse. You may find it difficult to learn and remember things both short term and long term. You can experience memory lapses and blackouts, you can find yourself constantly confused and disorientated and not able to function normally.


Alcohol abuse is a big cause of family breakups and divorce. Alcoholism puts a huge strain on any relationship, particularly if it becomes abusive as a result of the drinking. There is a lot of stress and tension in the home of an alcoholic and the partner will only take it for so long and then leave.

Domestic violence is quite common among those who are addicted to alcohol and they will often strike out in a way that they may never do when sober.

Many alcoholics will find themselves unemployed when they cannot sustain a job because of their addiction. Their addiction will reach a stage where all they want to do is drink so they may stop showing up to work, or will show up late and even when they do show up their work is compromised by their drunk state.

When an alcoholic loses their partner and loses their job, they might find themselves homeless, without any family, friends or money. Alcoholism has control of their life completely when they find themselves living on the street and begging for money so they can buy alcohol.

Alcohol abuse can be stopped, but first you need to admit you have a problem and then seek help. If you think you may have a problem then seek help straight away, don’t wait until it’s too late.