How To Dance And Smile Your Way To Great Physical Fitness!!


Through our extensive research and development of Danceafreaka we worked and taught in some of the world’s best gyms and interviewed and spoke to hundreds of women and men about their exercise experiences and what they like to exercise to and with. The most common reaction to our programme Danceafreaka waswait for it!! ‘Does this programme actually work?’ We often reply with ‘do you know or have you seen any UNFIT African dancers’. That often does the trick every time.

Now are you 1 or more of the following:

1.Don’t exercise,

2.Hates exercising

3.Don’t have time to exercise

4.Hate Gyms

5.Hate Monthly fees

6.Love making excuses not to go to the gym in spite of being charged a monthly membership anyway

7.Bored with your conventional predictable Aerobics left, right up and down exercises

8.Conscience of your shape at present and want to hide at any given rate

9.Love to smile but forgotten how to

10.Does not take exercising and having fun and laughing, at one self not to seriously

11.Would love to improve their general physical appearance, stamina, overall look, weight loss, health, fitness, Cardio health, flexibility and most importantly their night life activities!!!! YES AFRICAN DANCE IS A WORLD REKNOWN AFRicanDIZZAC (excuse the pun and play with words) after all I am the Creative Director remember?

This programme Danceafreaka is definitely for you.

Now I hear you cry.. I am not a dancer!! The great thing is you don’t have to be. The elements are taken from African dances but it is simplified for all levels of fitness and dance. Consider this as an African Aerobic workout.

Yes consider it as an African Aerobic Sexy exercise that uses parts of your body you never knew existed. The great thing about this programme is it comes on a DVD that can be played anywhere in the world. This programme has simple to follow instructions a great Tutor and fantastic infectious drumming to help you through this great experience. There is one MAJOR rule of this exercise that you have to adhere to that is you have to keep “Smiling”. In Africa there is a saying that has existed for hundreds of years. That is “We keep the smile on our faces to stop us getting tired”. Try it, it really works. Danceafreaka has been devised to strengthen the upper and lower torso especially the BLT section. For those avid Gym goes yes that’s right the Bum, Legs and Tums area that is very sensitive to any female conscience of her body. Sorry that makes most women right? There are a number of moves for you to learn, practice and perfect to improve your dancing and experience. On that note please feel free to visit. or drop me an email at [email protected]. There is a sample, clip on the site of the programme. Please join our newsletter and mailing list for further information and discounts on future developments. I hope you enjoy you experience!!!

Kojo Tawiah is the Creative Director of a fun, new exciting programme called Danceafreaka. Danceafreaka is an all over body dance fitness programme that uses traditional African dance movements taken from various popular African Countries brought together for a fun unpredictable forever exciting fitness routine.