how to shape eyebrows without plucking


Many of us want an attractive manicured look but don’t like dealing with the pain of plucking unwanted hairs. If you want to know how to shape eyebrows without plucking just keep reading.

If you want to know how to shape eyebrows without plucking you basically have two alternative methods; you can either wax your brows or use a fairly new technique called threading.

In this article I will explain a little bit about how each method works as well as the pros and cons of each so you can determine the best method for you:

1. Waxing is one of the methods that works well because the hair is actually removed from the root. That means it will be gone until the hair grows back. That process will often take up to two months.

Unlike shaving where the hair is only cut down to skin level, waxing, plucking and threading will actually pull the hair out by the root so you will have longer times between hair growth.

With waxing you can do it at home with a waxing kit or go to a hair salon or spa to have it done. The cost will depend on where you go. For the most part you will pay less at your hair salon than you would at a full service spa.

If you prefer to do it at home, you can do that too. You can go to any large store that sells cosmetics and buy a home waxing kit. You can usually heat the wax up in your microwave until it is the consistency of thick honey.

Once the wax is the right consistency you put in on the unwanted portion of hair on your brow. Then you apply a small piece of gauze to the wax.

Once the wax has adhered to the gauze you quickly pull the gauze off in a fast, fluid motion. You pull in the opposite direction of hair growth.

And yes, this method does sting but unlike what you may see in the movies, it only stings for a few seconds and it’s over with.

2. Threading may be fairly new to us, but it has been popular in some cultures for a long time. The basic concept is the same as waxing and plucking; you remove the unwanted hair from the root so it will stay gone for a few months.

The only difference is the technique you use to remove the hair. All you need is a piece of string that is at least 24 inches in length. It should be made of cotton and it should be strong so it does not break.

Tie the ends of the string together and double knot. Place your fingers in each loop of the thread. Turn the thread around itself several times until you see an “X” in the center of the thread where it crosses over.

Next, you will open the fingers of one hand while simultaneously closing the fingers on the other hand. The section of thread that is forming the “X” will move closer to the closed fingers.

After you’ve practiced this technique and are comfortable with it, you can than place the wound part of the thread directly over the unwanted hair.

When you start moving the thread by opening and closing your hands the thread will grab the hair and pull it out.

This method can be very effective, but out of all the methods, it is the one that will take some practice to get good at.

If you want to know how to shape eyebrows without plucking,this article should have shown you that you do have choices.