Friday 20 September 2024

The Many Benefits of Green Tea Extract

The Benefits of Green Tea Extract: Anti-Aging, Anti-Cancer, Weight Control One of the great advancements in nutrition in the twenty-first century is...

The Importance of Vitamin B-12 Supplementation in a Vegetarian Diet

It's something we read or hear about all the time: people, in general, do not eat healthy. The average diet contains...

The Importance Of Food Supplements

What are food supplements and why do we need them? Food supplements are medicines we take to enhance our diets. They...

The Importance Of Fat Soluble Vitamins A, E, D and K

What are vitamins? A vitamin is an organic (carbon-containing) chemical compound your body must have in very small amounts for normal growth,...

The Immune System: Eureka

Archimedes: His Discovery was the "talk of the town." Archimedes, the ancient Greek scientist, was no exception. When his friend, King Hieron...

The Immune System: Don’t Leave Home Without It

The immune system: Don't leave home without it. Imagine your reaction when you open a fortune cookie and it reads, "Psychics will...

The Hidden Dangers Of Taking Vitamins

Vitamins and supplements are common solutions to many relevant health issues. Moreover, government research has shown that over half of American...

The Health Risks Associated With The Use Of Anabolic Steroids

Anabolic steroids are classed as illegal drugs and are banned by most legitimate sports organizations. There can be no disputing the...

The Green Food Supplement Alfalfa

The health benefits of alfalfa are largely unsupported scientifically, although there is plenty of anecdotal enthusiasm for it. Alfalfa is highly...

The Facts About Anabolic Steroids

Anyone involved in the world of bodybuilding, and competitive sport generally, will understand the pressures that go with striving to achieve...

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