Friday 20 September 2024

The Effects of Steroid Use

One of the more interesting findings of the highly publicized testosterone-builds-muscle study recently published in the prestigious New England Journal of...

The Effects of Methamphetamine as an Addictive Substance

There are many myths and/or justification for taking all mind-altering substances and the use of methamphetamine, (meth, crank, crystal, speed, etc.)...

The Best Multi Vitamins Available – Are They Necessary?

Yes, the best multi vitamins are indeed necessary. Unfortunately most younger individuals and those who are in relatively good health think...

The Benefits Of Natural Vitamins And Supplements

While there are many reports that have been released by health, nutrition and medical experts in the last several years that...

The Benefits of Acidophilus

People know that bacteria are harmful to human's health. It causes different types of diseases and may even cause death. Talks...

Take Your Vitamins, but Don’t Overdose on Them

We all know people who go to the local health store like GNC or High Health to get their supply of...

Synthetic Human Growth Hormone

Synthetic HGH is the supplement that the body is treated to when it is limited in producing the naturally occurring HGH,...

Supplement Your Diet With Vitamin B12

Lack of a proper blood level in human beings is the major cause of the condition known as anemia. Shortage of blood...

Supplement Regulating – Is It A Good Idea?

Under the Adverse Event Reporting (AER) bill before Congress, dietary supplements could eventually be taken off the over-the-counter status. In this...

Supplements That Can Help Boost Brain Power

Would it not be great if you could just pop a pill and remember everything for an exam? Realistically, there are...

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