Best exercises to Lower blood pressure


If you once go to doctor and he discovered that you have high blood pressure, or as they name it in science “Hypertension” and this conditions keep with you for long time, so you must immediatly lower your blood pressure becouse it may lead to heart attacking or stroking. And from ways to lower your blood pressure you may have to do some exercise.

Most of studies ths days found that most aerobic excerises that keep large muscles in use for long period like “workouts brisk wallking” is good way for lowering blood pressure bt it take several a fact from the “National Institutes of Health conference” results, they found that erobic exercise reduces resting blood pressure in people who have hypertension by about 11 points of the top number and 9 points of the bottom number and. That for sure enough to lower blood pressure to normal.

Every one has his specific needs upon how high is his blood pressure so, before doing any exercise, you have to talk to your doctor, they may want to supply your program with so changes or add some type of drugs.

Some thing to take care about that any exercise in begaining lead to diverts lot of blood to muscles and that couse highering in blood pressure but that effect is temporary so dont be afraid and people who have very high blood pressure there doctor may give them some drugs before exercise for that.

So, after what you know, you may ask what us best exercise to do to lower your blood pressure? Let me tell you then.

For sure most one can help you find your best type of exercise is your doctor who know what exactly is your case, BUT no two of doctors have differant thoughts that walking is not good for all cases, all bast studies show that walking is effective in lowering blood pressure than any other type of hard aerobics exercises, but for advise take it step by step dont begain it with high distances, begain it with little and increase it from time to time and may make it daily can also try jogging, stationary or outdoor bicycling, swimming, rowing, using a stair-stepper, or low-impact aerobics, any of them can work out but you chose that due to your fitness level.

You may also chose to make exercises for upper part of body, sure its ok, you can use it in lowering your blood pressure, but take care of that any hard exercises may lead to highering blood pressure to dangrous level like lift heavy weights.

At last what i want to say that after chose type of exercise according to your interest, you and your doctor must arrange the exercise programs and schedule to be effective and safe. At above of all you’ll feel healthy and good shape during exercise time that take months to lower to the blood pressure you want.