Birth Control: An Overview


We live in a more sexually permissive world, and with that liberty came a rise in the number of unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. It is because of this that more and more birth control products are being created and marketed. But how much do you really know about the different birth control types?

The hormonal method

This contraceptive method aims to prevent pregnancy by means of regulating the production of women’s naturally occurring sex hormones, estrogen and progesterone, to create a more consistent hormone level. A low level of estrogen stops the ovaries from releasing egg cells, while a low progesterone level impedes the preparation of the uterine lining to make it non-conducive for implantation. Hormonal contraceptives may come in the form of birth control pills, hormonal patches, injectables, implants, or vaginal rings. With perfect usage, the hormonal method has a high effectivity percentage, although it does not protect its users from sexually transmitted diseases (STD).

The barrier method

This birth control method works by forming a protective barrier against sperm. The barrier method includes the male and female condom, the diaphragm, the cervical cap, the contraceptive sponge, and spermicides. Barrier methods are more convenient and easier to use for men than for women. With the exception of spermicides and the contraceptive sponge, the barrier method offers a moderate amount of protection against sexually acquired infections.


It is a popular birth control method for people who engage in sexual activities unprepared. In this method, the man has to pull out his penis before he ejaculates. It requires both practice and self-control to properly pull off the withdrawal method. This method offers very little protection against STDs and AIDS.

Natural methods

This birth control method requires no drugs or chemicals, making it side effect-free. It works by being able to determine when a woman is fertile and avoiding sexual contact during those days. This is accomplished by keeping a record of a woman’s temperature, and observing changes in a woman’s cervical mucus secretions. The natural birth control method is highly effective if followed strictly. This method offers no protection at all against STDs.

Sexual Outercourse

Simply put, this method only discourages penetrative sex like anal and vaginal intercourse. This method includes masturbation and oral sex. Although highly effective in avoiding unwanted pregnancies, it does not offer protection from AIDS and sexually transmitted infections.


This method requires a person or a couple to refrain from engaging in any kind of sexual activity. Even if it is a difficult method to practice, it is a sure way of preventing pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections.

It is important to understand that with the exception of abstinence and sexual outercourse, there is still a small chance that you’ll get pregnant by accident. Most birth control methods are not 100% effective, after all. Consult a doctor or a health care professional to know more about the different benefits and side effects the different contraceptive methods may bring. The important thing to do is to find the one that works best for you and sticking to it.