Causes And Solution For Obesity!


Exercise for Obesity

Personal training is an excellent option for anyone, but especially someone who’s obese and looking to lose weight and get healthy. However, because of the gym-intimidation factor, there are plenty of obese people who miss out on the opportunity to work one-on-one with an expert. One option, if you want to avoid the masses, is to work privately with a personal trainer. You can opt for hiring a trainer to come to your home or work with a trainer at a personal training studio.

Causes for Obesity

Too much Calories! Consumption of more calories than are burned through work, exercise, and other activities will lead to overweight and obesity. In the late 1990s, Americans ate about 340 more calories per day than they did in the mid-1980s, and about 500 more calories per day than in the 1950s. The extra food was often some kind of refined carbohydrate combined with fat, saturated fat in the unhealthiest cases.

Medical problems. Some individuals are obese because of biological problems such as malfunctioning thyroid or pituitary glands. Others may have physical problems or disabilities that severely limit or prohibit exercise, strenuous work, and other physical activity.

Too much stress. New research suggests that there is a biological link between stress and the drive to eat. Comfort foods high in sugar, fat, and calories, seem to calm the body’s response to chronic stress. In addition, hormones produced when one is under stress encourage the formation of fat cells. In developed countries, life tends to be competitive, fast paced, demanding, and stressful. There may be a link between so-called modern life and increasing rates of overeating, overweight, and obesity.

Is there a Permanent Solution to Obesity?

Lucky for us all, Yes, there is a permanent solution to obesity! This permanent solution is known as the Gastric Bypass Surgery. This surgery must be performed by a certified doctor. Thousands of obese people has permanently lost tens of kilos with this fool proof method. We urge you to find out more about Gastric Bypass Surgery as the permanent solution to obesity! It works.