Choosing the Best Birth Control Method


Becoming pregnant and giving birth is something a couple should give much attention to. But some circumstances in life may delay plans of couples to have children. If you and your partner don’t want to have a baby at this time, there are many different products that can help prevent pregnancy, there are various birth control or contraception methods available.

Birth control or contraception is a course of therapy of one or more actions, devices, or medications that prevents pregnancy. The mechanisms responsible for lessening the possibility of the fertilization of an ovum by a spermatozoon can be precisely referred to as contraception.

Some types of birth control are available without a doctor’s prescription. They have no side effects for most people. But some people may be allergic to them and get rashes if they use them.

Probably one of the most popular birth control methods for a long time now is the use of condom. Condoms are a barrier method of contraception that, when used consistently and correctly, can prevent pregnancy by blocking the passage of semen into the vaginal canal. Condoms can also prevent the exchange of blood, semen, and vaginal secretions, which are the primary routes of STD transmission.

Aside from condom, there are other birth control methods that are available. Learn about the different kinds of birth control to help you choose the best one for you.

The birth control patch is a thin, beige, 1-inch (4-centimeter) square patch that sticks to the skin. It releases hormones through the skin into the bloodstream to prevent pregnancy.

The birth control pill also called “the Pill” is a daily pill that contains hormones to change the way the body works and prevent pregnancy. Hormones are chemical substances that control the functioning of the body’s organs. In this case, the hormones in the Pill control the ovaries and the uterus.

The birth control shot is a long-acting form of progesterone, a hormone that is naturally manufactured in a woman’s ovaries. The shot is given as an injection in the upper arm or in the buttocks once every 3 months to protect a woman from becoming pregnant.

A cervical cap is a small, thimble-shaped cup made of rubber that fits over the cervix. It is considered one of the barrier methods of birth control because it provides a physical barrier between a male’s sperm and a female’s egg.

The diaphragm with spermicide is put into the vagina before sex so that it covers the cervix, or neck of the womb. The diaphragm must stay in place at least 6 hours after intercourse, but not for more than 24 hours. If you have sex more than once while wearing the diaphragm, you must add more spermicide without taking the diaphragm out. Spermicide is available without a prescription at drugstores.

An IUD (Intra-Uterine Device) is inserted into the womb by a doctor. Two types of IUDs are now used in the United States: the Paragard Copper T 380A, which releases copper, and the Progestasert Progesterone T, which releases progesterone, a form of progestin. The Paragard IUD can stay in place for 10 years. The Progestasert must be replaced every year. A doctor must remove it.

Several factors come into play when deciding which method of birth control is best for couples. With so many contraceptive methods available and so many factors to consider, choosing a birth control method can be difficult. Overall health, age, frequency of sexual intercourse, the number of partners you have, and whether you desire to have children in the future must all be considered before deciding upon a birth control method. If you have certain health problems or other risk factors, some brands of birth control may not be the safest option.