Depression and The Dagger


epression is on the rise. This statement is backed up by statistical fact and, frankly, most people are not willing to really put the effort needed to contest it. However, with the rise of depression comes the rise of the potentialconsequences. For the business world, the main consequence would be the sudden and slow rise in the demand anti-depressants, especially as more and more people are going to be needing them. The other problems that tag along with the condition, such as insomnia, can also make any attempts to interact with the world and hope for recovery significantly more difficult. However, on a more personal scale, depression can also become one of the things that pushes someone to commit suicide.

Suicidal thoughts and the Thanatos complex are not dependent on someone having depression. According to some statistics, most cases of suicide stem more from fear or personal disappointment than anything else. Other possible causes can also be considered, such as fanaticism and a general but overwhelming feeling of hopelessness. Even if someone isn’t depressed, that person may still entertain suicidal thoughts and eventually come to a drastic decision. In the same vein, just being depressed is not always enough to push someone to take his own life. There are several factors to be considered in the volatile psychological mix that suicide creates, but that does not mean depression should be ignored or simply pushed aside because it is not “the big evil” of the scenario.

The mental health effects of depression are not to be underestimated. Some studies have shown that a large amount of suicide cases in the past have experienced clinical depression, or appear to have done so. People who become depressed may not always be on record because they decided to attempt to endure the problem, rather than seek professional help. However, closer inspection of the memories of friends and family normally reveals that the person suffered from the condition at an earlier point in their lives, even if they did not make others aware of it. While it is unknown if depression can recur, there are a few that believe that the damage done does not fade away with time and may, in fact, be triggered by other factors at a later date. Of course, this is merely speculation and conjecture because it is rare to find a way to get an accurate look into how a case of suicide felt during his last days.

Another aspect to be noted is that the condition can easily become a catalyst for a person’s psychology to become even more damaged. The potential side effects of leaving depression untreated can cover a wide array of psychiatric and psychological disorders. This, combined with the emotional vulnerability that often accompanies the mood of the depressed, can make even the slightest bit of ego-jabbing very dangerous. High-pressure situations can also aggravate a person’s state of mind even further, particularly if the person’s psychological problems are closely tied with his ability to perform under duress. In these cases, the person’s psychological state is already a volatile mix and, conceivably, triggering a reaction out of any of the “components” can result in suicidal thought, though outward violence is just as probab