Did you know that natural herbs and vitamins will help with allergy relief?


More than 50 million Americans suffer from allergic diseases. A recent nationwide survey found

that more than half (54.6 percent) of all U.S citizens test positive to one or more allergens;

among specific allergens, dust mite, rye, ragweed, or cockroach caused sensitization in

approximately 25 percent of the population.

This article will provide tips for allergy relief. The information covered below will address

the following questions:

1.Why do we develop allergies? 2.What causes allergies? 3.Allergy symptoms 3.Tips to obtain

allergy relief 4.Herbs, vitamins & supplements

Most individuals with allergies are not sensitive to just one substance but a host of them.

There is an endless list of allergy causing substances present in our food, drinks, the air,

and the clothes we wear to name a few examples that can trigger an allergic reaction.

Why do we develop allergies?

The exact cause of allergic reactions is still under debate. Heredity seems to play an

important role according to some researchers and being exposed to allergens at certain times

when the body’s defenses are low or weak, such as after a viral infection or during pregnancy,

also may contribute to the development of allergies. Allergies are the immune system’s

exaggerated response to a foreign substance. Exposure to what is normally a harmless substance,

such as pollen, causes the immune system to react as if the substance is harmful. Substances

that cause allergies are called allergens.

What causes allergies?

Allergies may be caused by any of the following. NOTE: this is just a partial list; there are

countless substances that may cause an allergic reaction. The only way for someone to know

whether they’re allergic to a particular substance is to get tested by an allergist.

1.Mold 2.Animal Dander 3.Latex 4.Certain Foods (EX: Nuts) 5.Insect Venom 6.Medications (EX:

Penicillin) 7.Pollen 8.Dust Mites

What are allergy symptoms?

Allergy symptoms can be categorized as mild, moderate or severe (anaphylactic). Mild reactions

include local symptoms (affecting a specific area of the body) such as a rash or hives; itchy,

watery eyes; and nasal congestion. Mild reactions do not spread to other parts of the body.

Moderate reactions include symptoms that spread to other parts of the body. Symptoms may

include itchiness that spreads or difficulty breathing.

A severe allergic reaction, known as anaphylaxis, is a life-threatening emergency in which the

body’s response to the allergen is sudden and affects the whole body (systemic). Anaphylaxis

may begin with severe itching of the eyes or face and within minutes progresses to more serious

symptoms including swelling, which could result in difficulty swallowing and breathing;

abdominal pain; cramps; vomiting; diarrhea; hives; and angioedema (hives in the throat). Mental

confusion or dizziness also may be symptoms, since anaphylaxis causes a quick drop in blood


Tips to obtain allergy relief

Dust often to control mites – By dusting surfaces and washing bedding often, you can control

the amount of dust mites in your home.

Vacuum often – Although cleaning can sometimes trigger allergic reactions, with dust in the

air, vacuuming once or twice a week will reduce the surface dust mites. Wear a mask when doing

housework and consider leaving for a few hours after you clean to avoid allergens in the air.

You can also make sure your vacuum has an air filter to capture dust.

Reduce pet dander – If you have allergies, you should avoid pets with feathers or fur like

birds, dogs and cats. Animal saliva and dead skin, or pet dander, can cause allergic reactions.

Avoid pollen – Keep windows and doors closed. Use an air filter and clean it regularly or run

the air conditioner and change the filter often.

Avoid mold – Mold spores grow in moist areas. If you reduce the moisture in the bathroom and

kitchen, you will reduce the mold. Clean moldy surfaces. Dehumidifiers will also help reduce


Herbs, Vitamins & Supplements

Herbs, vitamins and other supplements can help by boosting the immune system and/or provide

allergy relief.

Herbs that may help by boosting the immune system 1. Echinacea 2. Garlic

Vitamins that may help by boosting the immune system 1.Vitamin A 2.Vitamin C – Very effective

at fighting allergies. It is a powerful antioxidant. It promotes immune functions and is

natural anti-histamine. 3 Vitamin E – It fights allergies. It is a potent intercellular anti-

oxidant. 4.Green tea – Contains EGCG, a potent antioxidant more powerful than vitamin C & E

Other supplements (1) Bioflavonoids such as Quercetin work well with Vitamin C as an anti-

histamine to tackle allergens.

Obtaining allergy relief involves a 2 pronged attack.

1. Avoid allergy triggers such as the one’s mentioned above 2. Boost the immune system by using

herbs, vitamins and supplements

If the above don’t work than medications such as antihistamines, decongestants or a combination

of both are available over-the-counter or by prescription to treat allergy symptoms. Nasal

sprays such as topical nasal steroids and cromolyn sodium also can be used to treat allergy

symptoms. Immunotherapy and allergy shots are recommended for relief needed over a long period

of time.

Obtaining allergy relief through natural means such as taking the herbs and vitamins

recommended above is the best route to take without incurring side effects, however, if the

allergy is severe and debilitating than prescription or over the counter medications may be

needed. PREVENTION IS THE BEST MEDICINE., Keep your immune system healthy so chances of

developing disease are reduced.

For more information please visit http://www.innervibrance.com/allergy_relief/