Double Chin Exercises: 4 Tips to Help You Lose it All


People are constantly looking for different ways to get the body that they want. There are many who turn to plastic surgery to get rid of the double chin that they dread. Few actually think to turn to double chin exercises for their needs.

There are different types of exercises that are going to help you to lose the fat in your chin. While some of these exercises directly target the chin, others work to burn fat throughout the body. All of the exercises that you perform will help you to lose weight and tone your chin. While there are plenty of different exercises for you to get into, these four exercises will help you to lose your double chin as quickly as possible.

Shoulder Shrugs

Shoulder shrugs are going to be able to provide you with a simple and easy way to tone the neck. The more that you tone your neck, the more that you will be able to tone the chin.

To perform the shoulder shrug, pick up two dumbbells of heavy weight. While you want to be able to hold them at your sides safely, you want to make sure that you have heavy enough weight to get in a workout. While standing and holding these weights, shrug your shoulders. Perform 3 sets of 15 shrugs, increasing the weight for each set.

Neck Machine Workouts

Neck machine workouts are also a great way to build the muscle around the neck. Again, the more muscle that you build around the neck, the more likely your chin is to get toned and firm. Talk to the professionals in your local gym to understand how to use the neck machine, as each neck machine operates in a different way.


Yoga works to stretch out the entire body. While people think about the strengthening that it can do for the legs, arms, and torso, they do not think about the changes it can make for the neck. Multiple yoga sessions will strengthen the neck and chin, helping to remove the fat from the chin area of the body.


Cardio is an important tool for anyone who is looking to lose weight. While it will not directly target the chin, it will target the fat in your body. You will slowly lose fat in various areas of your body, eventually providing you with the sleek, toned chin that you want.

These different exercises are going to help you to attack your double chin in different ways. While some exercises target the neck of the body, others simply target your overall health. As your body builds muscle and loses weight, your chin will slim and tone. Take the time to make your body as healthy as possible, as it will help to give you the chin that you are looking for.