Inflammation of the joints, a condition called arthritis refers to a condition that causes pain and stiffness in the joints. Pain that is associated with arthritis may be mild or severe. Common causes of this condition include physical injuries, infections, overactive immune systems, and joint overuse. Health specialists have identified more than 100 different forms of arthritis. Due to the debilitating effect of arthritis, people continue to search for more effective treatments for the said condition. From cheap non prescription medicine to supportive devices, the methods and products for the treatment of arthrities and other painful ailments continue to evolve.
Individuals with arthritis usually consume large doses of over-the-counter pain relievers like aspirin, naproxen, and ibuprofen. Some prescription drugs like celecoxib, rofecoxib, and valdecoxib are shown to give effective pain relief. However, these drugs may bring minimal to serious side effects to individuals who use them. Cardiovascular bleeding, gastrointestinal bleeding, and skin reactions are some of the usual side effects that might be encountered in using pain relievers.Recent medical studies show that food high in omega-3 fatty acids help alleviate arthritic pain. Omega-3 fatty acids belong to a group of polyunsaturated fat that is considered to be good for one’s health. The best sources of these fats are fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts.
In addition to these medications, assistive devices may help individuals better cope with the pain and lead more functional lives. Assistive devices that may help arthritic individuals include the following:
A cane or crutch used on the opposite side of painful knees or hips can make walking easier and makes the joint last longer.
Orthotics may help ease pain. These are devices that are designed to treat or adjust biochemical foot disorders. Many health specialists encourage arthritic individuals to use custom-tailored orthotics rather than commercially made ones.
Balance and stability are important for individuals with arthritis. Braces and splints are devices that may help individuals achieve these qualities.
A reacher is another device that may provide aid for arthritic individuals. It is a long rod with a grip handle on one end and pincers on the other end. It may help individuals pick up small objects without having to bend over or reach uncomfortably.
Elevated chair legs make it easier for arthritic individuals to get in one’s seat without feeling the pain. These chairs usually comes with fitted with extenders.
Rather than searching for the perfect prescription drug and other treatment methods, people should bear in mind that this disease can be prevented by regularly engaging in moderate physical activities and healthy diets. Doing exercise in moderation is important because too much or too strenuous exercises may lead to joint overuse. In the long run, this practice may lead to the development of arthritis. Being overweight or obese may lead to the development of arthritis because of the pressure that is placed on the joints. For this reason, everyone should consume food from the four basic food groups (breads and cereals, fruits and vegetables, meats, and dairy) and foods low in fat. Minor lifestyle adjustments are essential in preventing the development of arthritis and attaining healthy lives.