Exercise Management


Exercise is vital to shedding excess weight and keeping it off. The body was meant to be active, and that is often a challenge in todays often-sedentary lifestyles. White collar workers, security workers, and drivers make up a large part of the workforce, and get very little exercise daily. Especially if you fit into this category, a concerted effort must be made in order to ensure that an exercise regimen is followed that will afford you a level of activity that will provide the amount of activity you need to stay healthy and avoid obesity.

People often dread exercise, projecting a grueling task that will leave them without energy and with sore muscles. This does not have to be and should not be the case. It is not necessary to employ a vigorous workout in order to have an effective exercise plan. Any regular exercise plan that is cardiovascular, raising the heart rate for at least a half hour straight, will do wonders for your body. Simply taking a walk, starting slow, then working your way up to power walking, is an excellent method of exercise. If your time is limited, or you live in a location where weather may impede your workout schedule, you may want to invest in a treadmill so that you can work out daily without interruption. Riding a bike, whether a regular bike or a stationary one, can be equally as effective. Again, you may want to employ both options to add variety, yet to make sure that weather does not impede you from your daily routine. Skipping days becomes addictive, and before you know it weeks begin to compile where you have not worked out, so avoid the trap.

In Ayurveda, walking is also highly recommended. Additionally, simple movement exercises are employed. If you have the time, seek a yoga class in your area. Styles of yoga can range from mild to vigorous, and provide conscious movement as suggested in Ayurveda. Such conscious movement is vital to conquering obesity.

If you have children that are not active, whether they are obese or not, you should definitely engage them in some sort of physical activity on a daily basis. Growing the habit of activity is key in avoiding obesity later in life, and controlling it during youth. Sedentary lifestyles brought on by modern phenomena of excess television watching, consuming fast and packaged foods, and playing video games are causing marked increases in obesity amongst children. Be aware of your childrens lifestyle and promote activity amongst them. Encourage them to engage in activities away from the television for a couple of hours a day, preferably engaged in an organized physical activity. It is a habit that they will often take with them into adulthood and benefit from for a lifetime.