Get Healthy, Quit Smoking


Once you start to smoke, there is no turning back. Nicotine is one of the most addictive, harmful, and widely used class of drugs in the world. Responsible for 440,000 deaths each year, tobacco and nicotine products still sell briskly almost anywhere – from corner stores, supermarkets, and liquor stores found all over the country. Since there are a variety of health problems linked to smoking, majority of the smokers actually want to get rid of their nicotine addiction. But as with any addictive habit, this is easier said than done. Most people who quit smoking experience withdrawal symptoms that makes it hard for them to quit completely.

There are certain reminders one must keep in mind when trying to quit smoking. First, try and pick a good time for quitting. Avoid quitting during the holiday season, during finals week, or right before a big presentation. Times like these gets the smoker’s stress levels high, therefore making it even more hard for them to quit. Second, the smoker may gain a small amount of weight when trying to quit, which is considered normal. Most smokers gain between five to ten pounds after quitting due to their decreased metabolism that quitting nicotine can cause. Weight gains of more than ten pounds are usually caused by those who substitute food for their cigarettes. Lastly, be prepared to try and quit for more than once. A lot of smokers are not fully successful with their first trial to quit smoking, and needs a couple more tries before finally quitting for good. Like anything worth doing, it may take a while before a person gets it done.

Preparation is needed when one decides to quit. Setting up a date; removing all tobacco products and accessories like ashtrays, lighters, matches); letting friends and family members know about it; and talking to a doctor would be the best areas to focus on when quitting. All these will help in minimizing the importance of smoking, as well as giving the smoker a chance to quit without having too much trouble.

To further help a person trying o quit smoking, medications are available to help reduce nicotine cravings and may also relieve depression symptoms for those who may feel depressed during their “ordeal.” There are also nicotine patches available that provides a constant stream of nicotine to the system so that nicotine levels in one’s system remains constant throughout the day. Nicotine gum is a replacement therapy that allows nicotine to be delivered to the bloodstream by being absorbed by the tissues in one’s mouth. This often works for people who have an oral fixation of smoking. Nicotine inhalers are good for administering small doses of nicotine whenever cravings arrive. Lozenges slowly dissolves in the mouth as it releases nicotine into the bloodstream. Compared to nicotine gum, lozenges deliver nicotine to the brain quicker than the patch, making it easier to respond to nicotine cravings.

If one decides to quit smoking, several benefits would come along their way. It would decrease their risk of lung cancer, heart attacks, strokes, chronic lung diseases, and a variety of other cancers. By quitting, this can help stop the effects of tobacco in one’s appearance, including premature wrinkling, bad breath, stained teeth, yellow fingernails, and gum diseases. By quitting smoking, this could also decrease the health risk of loved ones, or those around one’s environment. Get healthy and quit smoking!