Great Fitness Information That Will Have You In Shape


Are you in good shape but want to get into better shape for a 5K or perhaps a marathon? If so, then consider the pieces of advice in the below article. These tips can help you get into the top notch shape in order to compete in your particular race.

Make exercise a priority in your life. Write it on your calendar or include it in your scheduling program. If you wait to do it until you have time, or when you think of it, you will not get it done. You have to be consistent in order see significant results.

Strengthen your legs with isotonic exercise. Many sports such as basketball, football, cycling and running require strong legs. This form of exercise requires you to tense and contract a muscle for a certain amount of time. Weight lifting is a particularly good example of this exercise, as it develops muscle tone and increases joint flexibility.

Make sure you remember to stretch daily. Stretching is especially important before you begin exercising. Limbering up will lessen your chances of pulling a muscle or injuring yourself. It also keeps you flexible and better prepares the rest of your body for the workout that is about to come.

You can improve your balance by using a sofa cushion. Stand on one leg on a sofa cushion and move a medicine ball or any other heavy object from one hand to the other. Try wrapping the ball around your head and back or try each movement with your eyes closed.

Try green smoothies to help you reach your fitness goals. Green smoothies taste great, and are very good for your body. Try different green vegetables with fruits, like apples and pears. The more fruit you add, the sweeter the taste. Try broccoli or spinach in small amounts until you know what tastes right to you.

To increase your endurance, breathe fully and from your diaphragm when you exercise, particularly when running. This increases your oxygen intake and your lung capacity and lets you exercise longer. If you don’t know how to breathe from your diaphragm, you can lie down and put something on your stomach, then practice making it rise and fall as you inhale and exhale.

Psych yourself up! One of the best ways to prepare your body for exercise is to also prepare your brain. Talking yourself into your workout can help the brain release chemicals that help build muscle and lose weight. This is why you see so many bodybuilders talking to themselves before they lift.

Stretching is crucial to a workout. Being loose and limber will help you to have more effective workouts. Stretching will prepare your muscles for exercise and help them to recover afterward. If you skip stretching, and you will not get nearly the benefits you would if you simply stretch.

To improve your fitness levels more quickly, go slow. This means, when you are lifting weights, slow down the contraction phase of the lift. Take ten seconds per repetition, and you will see improvements more quickly than if you take two seconds. Try it for six weeks, and you should see visible results.

Avoid working your abdominal muscles every day of the week. Instead, target them no more than two or three days per week. Like any other muscle group in your body, the ab muscles need time to recover between intense workouts. Doing abdominal exercises every day will not speed up the process of developing toned abs.

Therefore, if you follow these tips, you will be well on your way to getting into the shape you need to be in for your race. These tips show that you don’t have to be in your teens or twenties in order to compete in a 5K or even a marathon. You just need to put in hard work, and the results will follow.