A Simple, No Cost Secret for Not Gaining Weight during the Upcoming Holiday Season


Here’s just a quick, simple idea for everyone who may be
concerned about possible over-indulging during the

I am a real health nut and have been for the past thirty
years. I’m constantly studying and looking for new ways
to improve my health, or keep it as good as it is now, and
I often run across good health information.

I would like to share some of what I’ve learned here with
you. This invaluable information is presented in a
wonderful book I read recently:
Water – for Health, for Healing, for Life
You’re Not Sick You’re Thirsty!
by F. Batmanghelidj.

If you’d like to read it too, it is available at:
http://tinyurl.com/3sdg2 . The information in this book is
probably the most basic, simple, valuable bit of advice on
health I have ever read.
Everyone should know this.

What I learned has been a revelation to me. Do you drink
water? At least eight glasses a day? Most of us do not
drink enough water, if any! After reading the book and
asking people about their water drinking habits, I was
shocked to find that many people hardly ever drink water.
Good, clean, pure water!

Water is such a major part of our bodies! In a fully
hydrated body, blood is 94% water, and our cells should be
75% water for optimum health!

When we get dehydrated, all our cells are no longer
functioning as they should. Over a long term, this
dehydrated condition creates serious health problems.
Short term symptoms include pain and discomfort which,
unfortunately, often are medicated by painkillers, instead
of remedied by simply drinking a couple of glasses of water.
The information in this book is amazing and so simple to

The Holiday Season Secret is this:
Half an hour before each meal, and two and a half hours
after each meal, drink two glasses of water.

If you continue this practice for up to three weeks, you
could lose about eight to fourteen pounds (maybe less
during the holiday season). This works for people of
any age young or more mature. You may have heard
of some celebrities who lost a lot of weight following this

Try this out, and tell your friends and relatives about it
too. Maybe you could have a little contest with your
spouse or within your family and compare after the first
of the year to see who did the best! And, hopefully you
won’t stop there. Make it a habit and you’ll be surprised
when, in a few weeks, you will have lost weight and have
more energy all without dieting.

What you needed was WATER. Simple, inexpensive and
very effective!!! Your drinking water should be filtered
to rid it of unhealthy contaminants, such as: arsenic, lead,
petroleum and chemical discharges, fertilizers and many
more extremely unhealthy, poisonous substances found
in all municipal water systems.

Don’t forget: 8 glasses of WATER a day minimum,
depending on your body size! More than 8 glasses for a
person with a larger body. Note: No other drinks will be
a good enough substitute. However, you can add a
squeeze of lemon if you don’t like plain water.

My Warmest Wishes for a very Joyful Holiday Season to
You and Yours!

Health, Love, Peace and Happiness to All !


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