Abdominoplasty Cost Or Tummy Tuck Cost


What does getting an abdominoplasty cost? Well, you have to take into consideration every aspect of the operation like specific fees for any labs or medical tests needed, the surgical center fees, the surgeon, the anesthesiologist, and the prescriptions you will need for afterward. The total of all these charges may well exceed $10,000 or more. You will want to make sure you find yourself a reputable surgeon if you are going to fork over that kind of money.

An abdominoplasty is also called a tummy tuck, for those of you who are not medical professionals, and is considered a cosmetic procedure by insurance companies. The objective of the procedure is to give you a nice, flat tummy by surgically removing excess fat and excess skin. The procedure is performed with the patient being put under a general anesthesia or sedation. The surgeon starts by making an incision just above the pubic area to repair the weak and ineffective lower abdominal muscles with what is referred to as a “baseball stitch”.

If there is a lot of excess skin that has to be stretched then the surgeon will cut out around the belly button and basically create a new one for you. If there is excess fat in the abdominal area then liposuction is performed to remove it then the incision is stitched closed. After the procedure you will be wrapped tightly with an ace wrap for support and a couple of drain tubes may have been placed in your incision to get rid of excess fluid that can build up and undermine the whole healing process.

Pain will be the biggest thing you will have to deal with for the first few days after the surgery and you will not be able to stand up straight for a while either. The surgeon will prescribe a narcotic pain reliever and an antibiotic to ward off infection. Do not forget to take the antibiotic and take all of it just as prescribed to be sure to keep infection at bay. Swelling will be present for at least a month and you will probably have to wear the ace wrap for the entire six weeks.

You can see why abdominoplasty cost is so high with everything that is done during the procedure. I mean, just the cost of the liposuction is anywhere from $1500 to $7500 depending on the extent of the excess fat that needs to be removed. You will have the look you want, though, when all is said and done. A flat, sexy tummy will make you feel so much better about yourself especially if you have worked hard to get the rest gone and are now at your ideal weight.

You should be sure to talk to the surgeon well before the procedure is scheduled and go over the different types of procedures that are available. You may not even need the entire abdominoplasty. You should discuss all your options so you can make the right decision based on your personal situation. Now when you take an abdominoplasty into consideration you will know what is all involved with abdominoplasty cost.