Adrenal Fatigue occurs when your adrenal glands – 2 small glands that sit on top of your kidneys – become overworked and depleted. Your adrenal glands are responsible for handling the stresses of your daily life, whether that be physical stress, emotional stress, or psychological stress.
When your adrenal glands become overworked, they cannot keep up with the stresses of your everyday life. You then start to manifest the symptoms of adrenal fatigue.
Note that just because you have one or two of the symptoms of adrenal insufficiency does not mean that you have adrenal fatigue. However if you find you have the majority of these symptoms then you may want to investigate further.
You’ll want to learn some of the common causes of adrenal fatigue to see if you can identify with any of these causes in your own life. You’ll also want to see your doctor for a full medical workup and diagnosis of adrenal fatigue.
Here are the key symptoms of adrenal fatigue:
You’re Tired For No Explainable Reason
People with adrenal fatigue experience extreme physical exhaustion and they don’t have an explanation as to why (such as a strenuous workout). This isn’t just everyday tiredness it is extreme exhaustion.
You Gain Weight Easily – Especially Around the Middle
People with adrenal fatigue often notice they gain weight very easily. They especially notice the extra weight around the middle – and it’s very hard to lose it.
You Have Difficulty Rising In The Morning
Those with adrenal fatigue often find they feel tired when getting up in the morning – even with a full night’s sleep. They often need stimulants like caffeine and sugar to ‘get going’ both in the morning and throughout the day.
You’re More Susceptible To Flus and Colds
If you have adrenal fatigue, you may notice that you seem to be catching every flu and cold that comes within 10 feet of you. You’ll also notice that it seems harder for your body to bounce back from illness.
You Often Feel Overwhelmed and Run Down
People with adrenal insufficiency often feel run down and overwhelmed with the tasks they have to accomplish. They may feel as if they can’t keep up and do it all. (This can lead to other symptoms like depression and social withdrawal)
You May Crave Salty or Sweet Snacks
This may include high protein snacks like meat or cheese. Some people with adrenal fatigue can have an increased craving for salt. You might also notice an intense craving for sweets and fast carbs like donuts, chocolate bars, pastries, ice cream etc.
You Feel Better In A Less Stressful Environment
Many people with adrenal insufficiency feel better when on vacation. Their symptoms may even clear up entirely but then return when they go back to their normal lives.
You Are Troubled By ‘Brain Fog’ or Inability to Concentrate
This may include things like the inability to remember certain details, appointments, etc. This may also include a feeling of confusion or difficulty concentrating.
Increased PMS For Women
Women with adrenal disorder may find their periods become heavier and/or irregular. They may also notice increased PMS mood swings and/or food cravings.
Those are several key symptoms of adrenal fatigue. Other symptoms include:
Lightheadedness/Low Blood Pressure
Tendency to Tremble When Under Pressure
Reduced Sex Drive
Heart Palpitations
Nervousness/Raw Nerves
Poor Digestion
Feel Most Energetic in the Evening
Extremely Senstive To Cold
If you can identify with the majority of these adrenal fatigue symptoms you may want to read about the causes of adrenal fatigue to see if you can identify with any of them in your own personal life. You’ll also want to see your doctor for more tests and a complete diagnosis.
Adrenal fatigue can be overcome and you can feel better. Listen to your body, cut back on stress and treat yourself well.