Advantages Of Dermalogica Skin Care Beauty Personified


Dermalogica Skin Care is a system of skin care developed by The International Dermal Institute. As you’ll note, this is not about one specific product, but a complete system of products that work hand in hand with each other. Dermalogica believes that skin care is not a luxury. Instead, it is a basic hygiene responsibility just like brushing your teeth or washing your hair.

Dermalogica is not known for fancy packages. They appeal to many skin care professionals. But consumers can also purchase the products over the internet.

Dermalogica was founded in 1986 by people affiliated with the post-graduate International Dermal Institute. Their training and experience showed them that the skin care products produced by the cosmetics industry used ingredients such as artificial colors, synthetic fragrances, S.D. alcohol, lanolin or mineral oil which all have negative effects on the skin. They used these ingredients, not because they worked, but because they were cheap. Dermalogica decided to reinvent skin care with it’s line of skin care products.

Dermalogica Skin Care starts with face mapping. The face is divided into 14 zones. A Dermalogica Skin Therapist can provide a full face map for you. If you are buying the product over the internet, you can get a more limited computerized face map done for you using six common conditions.

Once you have your face map completed, you will be provided with a core regimen. This will guide your dermalogica skin care treatment.

Your Dermalogica Skin Care Treatment is composed of four parts. You will get a recommended cleanser, repair gel, moisturizer, and one or more target lotions. Dermalogica has multiple products for each of these parts which allows you to customize your skin care. For instance, they offer 7 different cleansers.

One of the advantages of going with a complete Dermalogica Skin Care system is that you won’t have to guess about what your skin needs. You will be able to select products that work well in conjunction with one another.

Dermalogica products are made from top quality ingredients. They are non-comedogenic. Dermalogica has made a clear effort to not use anything that has been linked to causing or worsening several skin problems. As such, they don’t contain occlusive mineral oils or lanolin. Additionally, Dermalogica products are free of the synthetic fragrances and artificial coloring. Finally the products do not contain S.D. alcohol which dries out the skin.

Dermalogica skin care products are environmentally friendly. The ingredients and ingredient sourcing is all environmentally safe. The product packaging is recyclable. None of the products were tested on animals.

Dermalogica skin care products have been featured in major media outlets such as O Magazine, Allure, In Style, Men’s Health, Natural Health, and Cosmopolitian.

If you are looking for the latest remedy in a pretty package or something that smells like bubble gum or strawberries, go to your local drug store. But if you are ready to take your skin care seriously, try Dermalogica skin care products.