Adverse Reaction Of Epidural Steroid Injections


Epidural steroid injections are one of the most effective treatments of your backache. Researchers have tested that epidural steroid injections provide more relief as compared to pills ingested orally.

Epidural steroid injections are long lasting steroid injections that consist of a mixture of local anesthetic and the steroid medication, which is delivered in the epidural space surrounded by the spinal cord and the nerves coming out of it. Epidural steroid injections lessen the tenderness of nerves, which in turn reduce soreness, tingling & numbness and other signs caused by nerve inflammation or swelling.

Epidural steroid injections can provide both diagnostic and therapeutic benefits. The majority of patients take a few days to respond to epidural steroid injections because of the delayed effects of the corticosteroid.

The injecting procedure is safe, but there are always some types of hazards, fallouts, and complications associated with novel treatments. There is also adverse reaction of epidural steroid injections. The most common adverse reaction of epidural steroid injections includes temporary pain, spinal puncture with headaches, infection, bleeding inside the Epidural, nerve damage, etc.

The other adverse reaction of epidural steroid injections are linked to the side effects of cortisone such as increasing weight, rising blood sugar levels, water retention, suppression of body’s own natural production of cortisone etc. Sometimes the adverse reaction of epidural steroid injections cannot be seen at once, they arise after sometime.