Allergy Products


Presence of allergies, nowadays are widespread, not only with the children, but also in adults. Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network, FAAN allergic reaction on some food, such as peanuts has doubled during the last five years. But, also and separated study shows results in which number of the people who are suffering of allergic reactions caused with latex is also in developing.

Allergy may be defined as condition in which immune system react to the foreign substances which are not harmful and as results of it immune system makes antibodies that lead to the symptoms which are related as allergies, such as difficult breathing, itchiness, swelling, etc.

One of the useful option as prevention to the allergies is to use product related as allergies, created to help people for avoiding symptoms of allergy. There are several products which you may use:

Purifiers or Air Filters

Pollution is the most association of outdoor air. Still, one of the main reasons for developing of the number of allergic symptoms is the home air. With the researching which done US Environmental Protection Agency in 1990, air pollution indoor ranked as “high priority health risk”.

Products such as air filters or air purifiers are very good, because they are reducing allergens which may cause symptoms of asthma. This involves symptoms such as: nasal congestion, problem with breathing, swelling and other.

Air products are divided in five types:

Hybrid filters

Mechanical filters

gas phase filters

Ozone generators

Electronic filters

Carpet Cleaners

It not only that home air may be cause of the allergens, but also and every part of the house. This includes surfaces such as carpets, pillows, couch or other. Factors such as dust, mites or even animal hear may cause symptoms of allergies. Keeping pats into the home may be very dangerous, especially if you are allergic on hear of animals.

One of the better allergy products is a carpet cleaner. With using this product, you will keep your carpet clean as well as free it from factors which influence on your allergic.

System Known as Home Water Treatment

Most used thing for keeping hygiene into your home is water. But, important thing is that no water is 100 percent pure. It is because all water contains contaminants such as: bacteria, gases, chemicals and metals. Still, as there are contaminants which may harm to your health, there are also and contaminants contained into the water that influence on your health.

Product designed to reduce harmful effects of your exposure to the home water is known as home water treatment system. This system helps you will controlling quality of water and problems such as corrosivity, hardness, foaming, bad tastes, color or smell.

Bellow is list of methods and treatments which you may use for your home water:

Filtrations related as sedimentation or mechanical

Filtration of oxidation

Filtration of Activated carbon

Filtration of membrane or reverse osmosis


Ultra-violet treatment

Disinfection of chlorination

Filtration of neutralizing