Are You Too Old For Acne?


As mature people, our hormones are supposed to be in check but hormonal imbalances are one of the major causes of adult acne. Usually the blemishes appear in women during pregnancy or during a monthly cycle.

Although the pimples typically clear up without treatment, it is a good idea to consult with your doctor about checking for hormonal imbalances that may be a cause for adult acne.

Other things that may factor in to a less than perfect complexion include a proper diet and this includes water intake. Some argue that diet is not directly connected to breakouts, but

I am convinced that it is one of the causes of adult acne. My face breaks out if I eat junk food and if I do not drink enough water. This usually occurs over a course of a few days and in combination.

The latter is more significant as one of the causes of adult acne because I have gotten away with snacking on junk food without breakouts if I drank enough water.

Men also show signs that there is a chemical imbalance that needs to be considered in the search for the causes of adult acne. Hair loss is tell-tale sign that significant changes are occurring in a man’s system.

Women are not exempt from the worries of hair loss, either. If you are having both hair loss and breakouts, you may want to consult with a doctor who can tell you if there is a connection.

Keeping track of your mood and your diet can help you discover the causes of adult acne. Sometimes we need to listen to our bodies. It may take a little time and effort, but you may be surprised that the causes of adult acne are really manageable.

One way to tell if hormones are at play is to consider other signs of an imbalance. For example, hormones may factor in as causes for adult acne if they appear along with a severe case of premenstrual syndrome.

There is no such thing as a case of PMS that is not severe, at least according to my husband. You may be able to address both the PMS problems and the blemish problems at once. This could lead to a very happy, pimple-free home.

Many mature people remember the days when blemishes and pimples were significant sources of anxiety. One of the benefits of getting older is losing the worry of waking up with a new pimple or waking up with a cluster of them. Acne is usually associated with adolescence.

Puberty is a time of hormonal disarray and epidermal awakenings. However, many adults are faced with the adolescent curse. In order for mature individuals to treat breakouts, it is necessary to explore the causes of adult acne.

There are a few things to consider when breakouts are no longer part of a rite of passage. The causes of adult acne do not necessarily revolve around a person’s facial cleaning regimen.

Just because you cleanse your face does not mean that you will be blemish-free. The breakouts are usually a message that causes for adult acne are working internally. You internal workings are literally worn on your face.