Bad Breath Cures


So you know that you have bad breath, and want to find a way to relieve it simply and quickly? The following bad breath cures work in the majority of cases, though if you have a really bad case or these cures make no difference, you should consult your physician.

Bad breath is associated with a dry mouth, so taking steps to not have such a dry mouth can reduce the smell.

– Make sure that you drink sufficient quantities of water so that you’re not generally dehydrated.

– Dieting or missing can reduce saliva and dry the mouth, so be sure to eat at regular intervals.

– Chew on special sugar-free gum, to cause salivation.

– Don’t drink excessive alcohol as that dries the mouth.

– Smoking dries the mouth, and is also bad for a number of other well known reasons.

Bad breath also has a component that comes from lack of hygiene.

– Teeth should be brushed after every meal Be sure to be thorough and remove all the food particles.

– While you’re brushing your teeth, brush also the roof of your mouth and your tongue, using regular toothpaste, as this will help to clean adverse compounds.

– You should also floss between the teeth at least once a day, to dislodge any entrapped particles.

What you eat can cause troubles for various reasons.

– Eat a low-fat diet rich in fruits and vegetables.

– Avoid too much meat and protein, as the protein is fuel for the bacteria which cause bad breath.

– Avoid particular smelly foods, such as garlic and onions. When these get to the stomach, the smell transfers to the bloodstream, and the air you breath out picks up the smell from the lungs.

Visit your dentist to discuss the matter. Bad breath may be caused by dental problems, including gum disease (periodontal disease), and your dentist will be able to advise, and may save you more pain and expense in the long run. You should visit your dentist regularly, at least once every six months, for a regular checkup and cleaning. This will dig out the stubborn food particles that your brushing and flossing have missed.

You can use a mouthwash for temporary relief of the bad breath smell. Be aware, however, that many mouthwashes have alcohol content, which is detrimental. If you seek temporary relief by sucking a breath mint, like Altoids, you should also note that the high sugar content is a disadvantage.