Blue Light Acne Treatment – A New Remedy?


Some experts claim that laser and light therapy is this century’s alternative to traditional treatments. These technologies have been successfully applied to treating acne and other skin diseases. Many acne sufferers who were disappointed with all other methods have found a solution for their problem in blue light acne treatment.

Benefits of Blue Light Acne Treatment

Blue light acne treatment focuses on eliminating P. acnes, the bacteria that causes to acne eruptions. This bacteria pumps out some molecules called porphyrins. When these molecules are exposed to blue light, they release free radicals that kill the bacteria.

Blue light acne treatment has several benefits in comparison to other therapies:

* It is a totally natural and has no side effects.

* It is safe to use daily and for all ages.

* Unlike other light therapies, it doesn’t contain UV light that can hurt your skin.

* It is painless and you can do it in your own home.

Research Data

Data from clinical trials on blue light therapy has revealed that is a promising acne treatment. Patients involved in the studies have received the blue light acne treatment in several session, each lasting about 15 minutes. Many of them, but not all, have registered significant improvement after the treatment, with approximately 55% clearance. Side effects were only mild and included short-term pigment changes, dryness and swelling of the treated area.

Taiwan: Thirty-one patients with facial acne on both sides have received blue light acne treatment only on one side, while the other has received no treatment at all. The therapy was given twice a week for four weeks. In the end, it was concluded that blue light acne treatment is effective unless the patient suffers from cystic acne, which often worsens when treated with blue light.

United States: Twenty-five patients suffering from inflammatory acne were treated with blue light therapy on one side (8 sessions in 4 weeks) and with clindamycin on the other (twice a day for 4 weeks). In the end, researchers compared the results for the two treatments. The side treated with clindamycin showed an approximately 22% improvement, while the one treated with blue light therapy showed around 40% improvement. However, after 8 weeks of no treatment, the clindamycin side had maintained the results better.

Israel: Three separate studies on 10, 13 and 25 patients suffering form inflammatory acne were conducted in order to measure the effects of blue light acne treatment. In all of the three studies, over 80% of all patients responded well to the treatment, showing between 59% and 67% improvement.

Japan: 30 patients suffering from mild to moderate acne received a blue light acne treatment twice a week for up to five weeks. For 80% of all patients, the lesions decreased by approximately 64%. The rest of them experienced negative or no effects.

Unfortunately, the number of individuals involved in these research studies is too small. Generally, clinical trials aimed to test new treatments enroll hundreds or even thousands of patients. Considering the small numbers involved in the blue light acne treatment studies, no statistically valid conclusion can be drawn. However, these studies do reveal that blue light therapy has positive effects on some individuals suffering from acne. It gives best results for inflammatory acne and may not be safe to use on patients with cystic acne lesions.