Homeopathic Treatment – Why You Should Use This Form Of Health Care


Homeopathic treatment is simply a method for helping the body heal itself. Every time we have any type of symptom, no matter how small, it’s an indication that there is something wrong and that our body is trying to fix the problem.

For example, when you cough it means there is something wrong and your body is trying to relieve the problem. With our ‘traditional’ form of medicine we would only try to suppress the cough and actually inhibit our ability to cure the illness. That makes us more comfortable but doesn’t get rid of the underlying cause of the cough.

A homeopathic remedy, on the other hand, would allow our body to cough by giving it a small dose of something that would actually encourage the cough, helping it to heal the underlying cause. It might be uncomfortable in the short term but in the long run our body will heal itself and we won’t have an ongoing recurrence of the symptom: coughing.

The extremely small doses have no side effects. This method has been successfully used on people of all ages as well as animals such as, cats, dogs, and horses. For those f you who would dismiss this as being ‘all in your head’ you have to wonder how that could be the case with animals since they don’t even know what you’re giving them or for what purpose.

This form of healing has been around in Europe and the U.S. since the 1800’s when it gained popularity because of it’s effectiveness in healing many illnesses of that time like, scarlet fever, and yellow fever.

There have even been scientific tests conducted in the ’90’s to determine if this method of care truly is effective or if it was just a placebo effect. The results of the studies indicate that out of 107 tests conducted 81 were found to have perceivable positive results.

The question often gets asked “If homeopathy is so effective, why isn’t it more popular”? Well the truth is that it is extremely popular in many parts of the world and was also popular in the U.S. But as with most things it came down to money. The American Medical Association, when still in it’s infancy, was very threatened by the popularity of homeopaths and basically conducted a ‘witch hunt’. They tried to tarnish the reputation of homeopaths and discredit them

They even went so far as to threaten to take away the license of any doctor who even consulted with a homeopath. The drug companies, too, jumped on the bandwagon because they make an awful lot of money treating an illness and not as much money if they actually cure one.

This long standing and respected form of medicine, homeopathic treatment, is definitely something you should learn more about and consider using in conjunction with your regular doctor. Today we’ve come so far it’s important to remember that many ‘old’ things work just as well today as they did in the past and just as well, if not better, than our modern alternatives.