Hoodia Gordonii Is A Powerful Weight Loss Supplement


Hoodia is a word that is quickly becoming a household name. Thanks to diet crazes that have continued to sweep America for the past few years, hoodia is a name that is quickly associating itself with “quick results” and “get slim fast” due to its apparently amazing ability to act as an appetite suppressant. Simply put, hoodia is now being used as a weapon to combat the war with obesity that is plaguing America. But really, what is hoodia?

Hoodia, or hoodia gordonii, is a plant that looks somewhat like a cactucs and originates from the Kalahari desert in southern Africa. Traditionally, the plant has been used to locals during long trips in the desert to help keep their appetites at bay. Hoodia is an entirely natural substance, not a drug, and was introduced in the form of supplements in the US just recently in 2004. It quickly caught on and has since earned a name for itself due to its ability to act as a strong appetite suppressant.

For a bigger picture on what the plant is and how word about it came out, one must look back thousands of years. The Bushmen of southern Africa have been using this plant for thousands of years and only recently, in the 60’s in fact, the first research was done into hoodia and its apparently amazing powers. Thirty years later, laboratories in Africa finally were able to isolate the compound which reduces appetite and named it P57. From there, tests were done and it was shown that those who took P57 consumed over 1,000 calories less per day, leading to great weight loss results.

In the past few years, hoodia has received a lot of media coverage and interest in the product has peaked. In 2004, the first hoodia supplements were released in the US with great results. However, there are plenty of problems surrounding hoodia, mainly in the form of counterfeit products. Due to the mass demand for hoodia, there are countless numbers of companies selling fake products and making billions. This frenzy has created numerous problems but the demand for the product only continues to grow.

Needless to say, if you are interested in using a hoodia product to assist in your weight loss program, it is only too important to look into all the details before buying anything. Check around on this site to find reliable companies with real hoodia products and also do background checks on all companies to ensure that they are selling the real deal. Many companies are looking to make a quick buck and are more than willing to rip you off with a fake product. Be patient, be careful, and do your research to ensure that you receive genuine hoodia and enjoy all the benefits of a slimmer waistline!