How To Spot Fake Hoodia


Due to the amazing success and demand for hoodia, it is only expected that there is a lot to watch out for prior to purchasing the product. There are dozens of companies out there looking to steal your money by providing you with a hoodia product that doesn’t work because it isn’t the right strain of hoodia, or it might not even be hoodia at all! The incredible demand on hoodia is causing many to make rash decisions where purchasing products and it is leading them into losing a lot of cash by purchasing products that just don’t work. Here are a few tips to make sure you get your money’s worth.

First of all, be patient! You’ve made it this long without hoodia, so don’t be too desperate to buy it right away. It is important to shop around, find a good deal and, more importantly, find a trustworthy supplier. It is important to do research by both reading customer reviews on products as well as by doing searches on the company providing the product to ensure that they are a quality company which is actually providing a working product.

Another important thing to be aware of is that hoodia isn’t always the hoodia you’re looking for! A company can say it’s selling hoodia and it might be, but it could be selling a different variation of the plant. There are 20 different variations of the plant and only the hoodia gordonii variation actually contains the ingredient which leads to appetite suppression. It is extremely important to know that the hoodia you are purchasing is in fact this form of hoodia since the other variations don’t contain any appetite suppression ability.

Lastly, be aware of what is being included with the product. Many times the hoodia is combined with other ingredients in the pill, such as green tea and caffeine, and it is important to know what other ingredients are being included. Green tea is indeed another good substance for handling appetite and fighting toxins in the body, but caffeine is a strong stimulant and it is usually given in very high dosages in diet pills. Many users will be sensitive to such high amounts of caffeine. Always know what other ingredients are included and if you see something you don’t know of, look it up to ensure it won’t be harmful to you.