Acne is the most unwanted guest. It arrives at the most unsuspected time, without any notice. It is a universal skin disorder. Call it a skin disease. It is not contagious. Is it hereditary? There is no consensus on this point among the researchers dominating the acne wonderland. Acne spares none, not even infants, children, men. And for women, it is not only a physical ailment, it is more of a psychological one.
All the more, when acne attacks your face, ‘a face saving devise’ has to be found on the top-priority basis. The market is flooded with soaps, lotions, gels, creams and antibiotics, and, above all, with highly capable sales-force to promote these products.
Acne infantilis is the term used for acne that grows on newborn babies. As for the middle aged people, it is known as acne rosaces. And there are many classifications of acne, according to the nature and severity of the disease. Comedo is the form where all the severe acne cases originate. Whiteheads and blackheads are two forms of comedo.
Wherein, whiteheads are deeply situated into the skin layers.
How do you know acne has arrived? Observe and take note of red swelling or small lesions on the skin. The skin coloration is on account of accumulation of dark skin pigments called melemin, supported by hardened sebum and other skin debris and particles. Pus filled lesions are termed as pustules. When acne assumes serious proportions, it is called cyst.
What is the cause of acne? Very difficult to pinpoint as such. But it is highly probable that some of the causes are, poor diet, stress, weather elements, hormonal imbalance and to some extent, genetic influences.
Greasy and spicy foods can cause oily or acne skin. Foods that aggravate acne are acid producing foods. Foods that benefit and help to mitigate the suffering of acne are those containing minerals, especially iron rich foods.
Dry, rough, scaly skin, wrinkling, itching, pimples loss of elasticity, premature aging, enlarged pores, irregular sebacious gland production, dandruff, split/peeling nails, poor night vision, burning and itching eyes, thickening of cornea, skin being slow to heal and grow- these all are the positive indications of the impending arrival of acne.
So, get advice and help from your dermatologist and cancel all the future appointments with acne!