How Your Diet And Acne Condition Are Related?


What you are is what you eat! Whether this statement holds good in the case of acne has been a topic which has been under rigorous research. Some people believe that certain foods cause acne while others think vice versa. But, it is very much possible that acne may be the result of food allergies in some cases.

In such cases, the prevalent notion is that skin acts as an elimination organ. When you eat a food that you are allergic to, a toxic reaction occurs which leads the immune system of your body to set up defenses against it. Thereafter, the body starts expelling out the toxins from the food leading to inflammation on the skin in the form of papules and pustules.

According to a research published in December 2002 issues of Archives of Dermatology, certain high-glycemic foods cause acne. These food stuffs lead to high production of insulin in the body, which raises the male hormones. As an effect of rising hormones, there is excess production of sebum in the body which ultimately leads to clogging of pores thereby causing acne. Foods such as grains, milk, processed food, bread, french fries and potato chips are the main culprits in this case.

The experts suggest a switch over to a lower-glycemic diet. A lower-glycemic diet would contain the following:

1. Cereals that contain bran, barley and oats

2. A lot of fresh vegetables and fruits

3. Lots of water, herbal teas and vegetable juices

And a lower-glycemic diet would not contain the following:

1. Walnuts, almonds, Brazil nuts, and filberts

2. Large amount of dairy products and milk

3. Sodas and other aerated drinks

4. Potatoes

Vitamin B5 is considered to be a very important part of a nutrient rich diet. It is commonly found in foods such as pork, beef, chicken, eggs, saltwater fish, potatoes, wheat and fresh vegetables. The variety of foods is large, but the problem is that 50 % of the vitamin is lost during milling of grains and sadly, the average American diet lacks in fresh vegetables. Diet may not be the particular cause of acne and rosacea but can obviously help in the prevention and elimination of the same. Hot and damp foods such as sugary cakes, cookies, sweets, alcohol, chocolate, fried and greasy food, dairy products, peanuts, coconut products, fats and oils, generally trigger acne.

The link may not be direct but it is always advisable to stop the intake of these believed-to-be acne causing foods. A healthy and well-balanced diet keeps your body healthy and the health inside radiates outside on your skin.