Is There Permanent Solution To Obesity!


How do you Define Obesity?

The term morbid obesity refers to patients who are 50 – 100%, or 100 pounds above their ideal body weight. Alternatively, a BMI (body mass index) value greater than 39 may be used to diagnose morbid obesity.

Various studies indicates that about 31 percent of American teenage girls and 28 percent of boys are somewhat overweight. An additional 15 percent of American teen girls and nearly 14 percent of teen boys are obese. Causes include fast food, snacks with high sugar and fat content, use of automobiles, increased time spent in front of TV sets and computers, and a generally more sedentary lifestyles than slimmer peers.

While 15.5 percent of the general population of children is obese, 21.1 percent of the headache patients met the criteria for obesity, the researchers found.

The prevalence of overweight and obesity is increasing in all major socioeconomic and ethnic groups, including children and younger adults between 25 and 44.

BMI for Obesity

In people under 18, obesity is defined as a BMI in the 95th percentile for a person’s age group, meaning it is higher than that of 95 percent of his or her peers. A BMI in the 85th to 95th percentile puts a young person at risk of obesity, while healthy BMI is between the 6th and 85th percentiles.

Obesity and Health Problems

Overweight children and teens are more likely than thinner youngsters to have headaches. Headaches among overweight youngsters also tend to be more frequent too.

Affected people may gradually develop hypoxemia, which is decreased blood oxygen saturation, and have problems with sleep apnea, which is periodic cessation of breathing while asleep.

Permanent Solution to Obesity!

However, with the advances in the medical world, there is now a permanent solution to obesity. This method is permanent and is called the Gastric Bypass Surgery. This Gastric Bypass Surgery must be performed by a certified plastic surgeon. It is extremely safe and it is the most effective method in combating obesity! We urge you to find out more about Gastric Bypass as the permanent solution for you!