Maintain Normal cholesterol levels as if Your Life Depended on it


Normal cholesterol levels are found in over half of Americans. Normal cholesterol levels are usually associated with a lower risk for cardiovascular disease, but not always. Normal cholesterol levels are also necessary in the formation of lipid rafts, such as caveolae and detergent-resistant membrane domains.

As a general rule the GOOD cholesterols are good for you and the BAD cholesterols are NOT good for you. If you are overweight, eat an unhealthy diet, or have a family history of high cholesterol, get your levels checked regularly. Reduce high blood pressure and cardiovascular risks by:Losing weight.

Risk factors associated with the influence of a persons blood ratio include; diet, age, weight, gender, genetics, diseases, and lifestyle. Ever since weight-loss programs gained optimal popularity in the market, the word cholesterol gained the negative connotation as the evil fattening wax from the food we eat.

People who are overweight have placed themselves in a higher risk category.

The location of the extra weight also impacts whether or not the blood ratio will increase. When the weight is centered around the abdominal area, as opposed to the legs or buttocks, an increased risk exists. Weight loss can also decrease blood cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood sugar levels.

Weight loss also means that the volume of blood your heart must pump decreases and less blood flowing through the arteries means less pressure on them. Overweight people tend to have higher cholesterol and triglyceride levels, while physical activity appears to improve them.

As a result, many people with normal cholesterol levels are not identified as having special risks. Healthy men and women with normal

cholesterol levels are still at risk for future heart attack if they have elevated levels of CRP. The best way to maintain healthy blood pressure is always through lifestyle, including diet and exercise.

You can’t control your genes or your age, but there are things you can do to prevent or reduce high blood pressure even if you have genes that might make you more likely to have it. Regular aerobic exercise-such as walking, running, bicycling, or swimming laps-can prevent and reduce high blood pressure.

Cooking with sesame oil in place of other edible oils appears to help reduce high blood pressure and lower the amount of medication needed to control hypertension, researchers reported today at the XVth Scientific Meeting of the Inter-American Society of Hypertension.