Natural vitamin supplements


Science has proved repeatedly that synthetic products are not as well tolerated as natural vitamins supplements. Unlike the ones extracted from various herbs, pharmaceutical compounds sold under the name of mineral and vitamin supplements require a high effort on the part of the body for adequate and healthy processing. Moreover, the assimilation rate of synthetic compounds is a lot lower than that of natural vitamin supplements, which is why the latter are usually favored when it comes to diet support. Presently, it is beyond any doubt that the best source of vitamins and minerals is Mother Nature, and this “nature-oriented” trend is gaining prominence.

Natural vitamin supplements do not overload the body and immediately pass into the blood flow, once they are identified as easy to process. Many people have actually taken the habit of administrating the natural vitamin supplements during meals because of the widespread belief that they will be better absorbed. As a matter of fact, natural vitamin supplements do not depend on specific times of the day in order to have an optimum action, they can be taken with or without food, any time you like. The general recommendation is that you administrate the supplement in the morning, so as to benefit from the boost of energy throughout the entire work day.

Plenty of herbs, fruits and vegetables lie at the basis of the manufacturing process of natural vitamin supplements. Lemons, limes and kiwis for instance provide a great source of vitamin C, but little do people know that the wild rose extract is even richer in vitamin C. Hence, don’t be surprised to read the name of such a herb on the natural vitamin supplements you are taking. Over the last decade, there has also been an upsurge in the interest shown towards the great benefits of certain seaweed and algae for human health.

Natural vitamin supplements that include high concentrations of spirulina, chlorella and other green-blue algae are totally positive in the action they have on the body. Unlike any other vitamin and mineral supplement, they have absolutely no side effects, allowing long-term or indefinite administration. Actually, in certain parts of the world, such seaweeds are part of the regular diet of native African tribes that prepare them in bread-like food items. All in all, the popularity of such natural miraculous remedies can definitely mean one thing: people are every day more preoccupied with the return to natural vitamin supplements.