New Lasik Procedure Brings Hope to Many


A new lasik procedure has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. This new procedure promises to offer hope to those who could not previously receive the lasik procedure.

This new procedure utilizes WaveLight(wavefront-optomized Allegretto Wave system). This system allows the treatment of patients with mixed astigmatism.

In the past, those with mixed astigmatism were less than prime candidates for lasik procedures. The patients that were approved, were required to undergo two separate procedures.

The new WaveLight system will allow almost all of these patients to be approved for the procedure. Another benefit of the WaveLight system, is only one procedure is neccessary.

Patients will love that.

The FDA also approved a new laser that will speed up lasik procedures by 50%. The new laser, named the LADAR6000 is manufactured by Alcon Inc.

As a warning to readers, researchers have found that Acne medications that contain isotretinoin can cause your eyes to dry out. You should not use acne medications containing this for at least 6 months prior and 6 months following any lasik procedure.

A second implantable lens has been approved by the Federal Food and Drug Administration. The new lens can be folded. This allows the doctor to use a smaller surgical incision. The smaller incision helps to speed the healing process, and aid in recovery.

Implantable lenses are an option available to those who are not candidates for other corrective procedures