NIA24 – An Exciting New Tool to Improve Skin Health and Appearance


NIA24 Improves Effectiveness of Other Skin Treatment Products

Not only does NIA24 work well used on its own, it can play a useful supporting role in other skin regimens. By strengthening and repairing the skin, NIA24 products can form an effective addition to other treatments like retinoids (Tretinoin, Retin-A, etc) and glycolic acids. Many users find that the use of retinoids and similar products to be irritating to the skin. The improvements of the skin’s barrier function that NIA24 products yield improved tolerance to retinoid product therapy, resulting in a more comfortable course of treatment for the user.

Additionally, NIA24 has been proving itself to be a valuable addition to dermatologist and medical spa treatment such as photo facial, IPL and resurfacing. Adding NIA24 to IPL therapy has been observed to result in a greater degree of improvement than resulted from only the IPL treatment alone. Patients were evaluated in terms of hyperpigmentation, redness, skin texture and overall appearance, and the patients who used NIA24 products in combination with the IPL therapy showed noticeable improvement over those who received only IPL alone.

Skin Looks Better on the Outside Because it’s Stronger on the Inside

NIA24 simulates the skin natural barrier functions, making the skin stronger and more resistant to damage. NIA 24 products help reduce visible signs of aging such as brown spots, hyperpigmentation and lines associated with sun damage. In as little as 90 days, patients reported dramatic improvements in their skins tone, texture and appearance.

Current research suggests that not only do the NIA24 line products help to strengthen and repair existing skin damage, they may actually help protect against future damage. The skin’s barrier layer is improved and thickened, providing healthier skin that is stronger, firmer and more vital.

NIA24 Products May Reduce the Risk of Skin Cancer

Research indicates that not only does NIA24 improve the aesthetic appearance of the skin; it may actually help to prevent the development of skin cancer. Recent studies indicate that the therapeutic application of topical niacin (such as the patented Pro-Niacin ingredients found in the NIA24 product line) may actually work to help protect and repair the skin’s DNA. Researchers theorize that this protective action helps minimize the risk of developing skin cancer.

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