Prevent accidental leaks in storm water drain with SafeDrain


Many times we have read about cases of companies spending thousands of

dollars to take care of flooded storm water drains which have been

filled up with hazardous waste. Companies may have to shell out thousands

of dollars in terms of fines also to the government agencies. Also

traditional methods of stopping the leak like placing sand bags and bags are

not as effective and by the time they are placed to stop the leak, it

might be too late altogether. There could also be unregulated costs

incurred by the organization for production downtime.

The introduction of the safe drain system from ensures

100% containment of ground water in case of a hazardous spill. All the

products are easy to install and extremely durable to ensure high level

performance for several years. All the products are manufactured of

stainless steel as a result of which they don’t get damaged even when

blocking leaks that has hazardous chemicals. The spill or leakage is

contained above the ground as a result of which it can e cleaned up in quick

time. Preventing and taking care of leaks with the help of

ensures that the company does not have to shell out thousands of dollars

in the form of cleaning up costs or fines.

Today there are hundreds of companies from different fields such as

government organizations as well as aviation industries and technology

firms are completely satisfied after installing Safedrain products. The

products can be customized to fit the specific sized valves. All the

products are designed for heavy duty jobs and they are built of heavy duty

stainless steel. Safedrain helps to stop and prevent the hazardous

discharges so that they do not pass in the storm water drainage inlet.

Hence all the discharged products like chemicals can be disposed off or

recycled according to the requirements.

The system also has a filter as a result of which all the sediments and

trash can be separated form the water. The sediments can then be

easily collected and discharged as required. The Safedrain can also be used

to regulate the flow of water so that more time can be allowed for the

sediments to settle so that a flood can be prevented.

The drain with its powerful hydrocarbon filter is capable of removing

dirt and grease so that large volumes of water can flow in the drain

with ease. The best part of Safedrain is that the system can detect from

where the leak or discharges are taking place and hence helps to put a

stop to such discharges by identifying the source. Safedrain has been

trusted worldwide by industries for its safety standards and durability.

You can find several real life case histories on the site that describe

the excellent performance of the system in preventing damages in terms

of property and penalties.