Prevention Home Remedies – Stay Healthy Save Money


With the recent debacle in Washington about health care and our current economic downturn, many people are either under insured or uninsured. If this is you, or if you just want to be more pro-active about your health, there are some prevention home remedies for various common ailments that you can start using right now. If you use these remedies you may be able to avoid the doctor’s office and those costly bills and prescriptions.

Here is a list of some of the most common, and easily treatable, health issues people face along with some easy to use home cures:

1. Heartburn:

The first thing you want to do is to evaluate your diet. You want to try and cut out many of the foods and drinks that frequently cause heartburn such as spicy foods, carbonated beverages, acidic foods, and fatty foods. Eat smaller meals more often during the day and try to get more exercise and lose some weight.

Following those steps can help prevent heartburn, but until they start to work you can take a few teaspoons of apple cider vinegar mixed with about 8 ounces of water before every meal. This remedy has offered almost instant relief for many, give it a try.

2. Allergies:

If you suffer from allergies your home is the last place you want to be under siege. There are some simple things you can do to protect yourself: try to avoid dusting and vacuuming since this will stir up a lot of dust. Clean all your bed clothes weekly in hot water, replace furnace filters regularly, if possible put in wood or tile floors instead of carpet, keep all pets out of your bedroom.

3. Hemorrhoids:

The quickest and easiest way to prevent hemorrhoids is to eat plenty of fiber and drink plenty of water. Constipation is a leading cause of hemorrhoids so if you can avoid constipation you may cut back on the frequency of outbreaks. Also exercising regularly and dieting, if you are overweight, can help lessen hemorrhoids.

4. Fatigue:

If you seem to always be tired and lacking energy you are probably using some sort of drug to give you more energy, whether it’s coffee, an energy drink or some over the counter pills. If you’d prefer a more natural approach here are some options: make sure you get plenty of sleep and that your sleep is restful. Don’t take your laptop to bed with you. Relax for a time before you actually go to bed so that you can fall asleep quickly.

Eat a lot of lean protein throughout your day. This will provide your body with a steady source of energy. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Use ginseng daily. Make sure you avoid junk food and try to get plenty of exercise during your day.

To help you stay away from the doctor and save your money, use these simple 4 prevention home remedies to help you, and your family, stay healthy and happy. Not only will your health improve, so will your overall outlook and attitude. Nothing feels better than being healthy.