Reverse the Aging Process – ANABOLIC/CATABOLIC INDEX


Don’t experience the catastrophe of catabolism!

Have you ever been shocked by learning the real age of someone who looked much younger…or older…than their chronological age?

Science has now shown that some individuals shift from an anabolic

(high-energy/repair and rebuild) metabolism to a catabolic (low-energy/cellular breakdown) metabolism at a much slower rate than others.

Your brain is like a computer that continuously calculates the age of your body. The brain gets its information from the hormones DHEA, whThe Anabolic/Catabolic Index (ACI) was developed by Univera Pharmaceuticals, Inc. to clarify and quantify aspects of the metabolic method of aging.ich is produced by the adrenal gland and from growth hormone (GH), which is produced by the pituitary gland). Optimal levels of these hormones signal that your body is more youthful and vital. In response to these positive messages (longevity signals), the brain increases anabolic activity throughout the body.

What does anabolic activity achieve?

More lean muscle

Less fat

Increased stamina and vitality

Enhanced immunity

Improved sexual vitality

The Anabolic/Catabolic Index (ACI) was developed by Univera Pharmaceuticals, Inc. to clarify and quantify aspects of the metabolic method of aging. The test measures anabolic biomarkers that appear in the urine as a result of rebuild, repair and restore activity in the body. Levels of these compounds (17-Ketosteroid Sulfates or 17-KS-S) closely parallel recovery from illness, injury and stress.

The relationship between repair (anabolic) and destructive (catabolic) activity of tissues, cells and molecules determines the rate of aging. Research has proven that reliable and proven interventions can help restore anabolic metabolism.

With it’s multiple beneficial effects upon the body, a chi machine is the optimal tool for enhancing anabolic metabolism. A diet which promotes antioxidant and alkaline nutrients can help to increase this activity. Certain supplements, such as Vitamineral Green, can further enhance this effect as does exercise, such as Body Rolling or yoga.

Remember, you have the power to stay healthy, happy and vital!