Should You Consider A Body Building Workout


Are you sick of trying diet after diet with little success? Have you thought about a body building workout? Now don’t look at me as if I had gone mad. I am not suggesting that you enter Miss Universe or anything. I don’t like muscular women. I believe we should look like women and men look like men but that’s a personal choice. But if you want to lose weight and tone up you are missing out on real success if you don’t at least look at bodybuilding.

Despite what you read in the papers, celebrities and models do not get their figures from dieting alone. They workout with their personal trainers. Now you may not be able to afford a personal trainer but most gyms have fully qualified instructors who will be more than happy to help you to work out a body building routine. They will go through all the equipment with you and teach you how to use it. They will probably suggest you try free weights first before moving onto the benchpress and other machines.

If you want to add an element of fun to your workout, you might want to consider a Swiss ball. This will help to strengthen your back and tone your abdominals helping you to achieve the stomach we all want. But be realistic it is going to take more than a couple of sessions to see results.

Your whole lifestyle needs reviewing. You will get the best results if you look at everything including your diet, your drinking habits, your sleeping routine as well as your exercise or lack thereof. Sleep is an important component of an exercise program as this is the period during which your body gets to repair any damage done during your workout. And as you will be building lean muscle you will probably do some minor damage at least at first.

Your diet needs a complete overhaul. You need to skip the takeaways and processed foods and return to natural meals that you make yourself. There are a lot of supplements and other diet remedies associated with bodybuilding but give these a miss too. You should aim to eat 5 to 6 small meals that you have prepared yourself every day. Look closely at the food you are buying. If you cannot pronounce the ingredients dont buy it. Buy plenty of fruit and vegetables. Buy good quality meat, chicken and turkey, fish and eggs. You need good fats as well so low fat dairy produce, nuts and seeds should also be on your shopping list. No more treats for a while so no snacking on cakes, biscuits or candy.

You should find your cravings for junk food are limited by the fact that you are eating little and often. Ditch the diet drinks as well and stick to water or the occasional fruit juice. Make room in your week for a cardio workout as well as lifting weights. The combination of both regimes will get you better results much quicker which will motivate you to continue. As will the compliments you receive on your new figure after a couple of weeks undergoing a body building workout.