Should You Try Vitamin C Skin Care


Most of us know that a healthy lifestyle will help to maintain beautiful skin but how many know exactly what we should be eating and drinking in order to achieve optimum results.

Using vitamin C skin care treatments will help you to fight the signs of aging. Antioxidants are necessary to fight the free radical agents released by pollution and over exposure to the sun. Vitamins C, D and A are all natural antioxidants and are very useful in combating these free radicals that contribute to wrinkles.

If you want to increase the quantity of vitamin C you consume you need to start eating your greens. Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin which means that you don’t store it in your body. Any excess is removed via urine so it is important to eat a wide selection of foods containing vitamin C on a daily basis. Broccoli and similar vegetables are a natural source. Other recommended sources are citrus fruits, any type of berry and red peppers. You should also include tomatoes, mango and cantaloupe in your diet.

Vitamin C skin care treatments aim to increase the collagen component in your skin as this makes it more supple. If you want a home treatment to boost your vitamin C levels, then apply carrots to your skin (it is also a good idea to eat some!). If you can’t grow your own, then buy organic ones from a local supplier as the vitamin content starts to decrease as soon as they are harvested. The vitamins contained in carrots help them to make your skin softer.

In addition to eating more vitamin providing foods, you should try increasing the quantity of water and green tea you drink. You also need to get regular exercise. You don’t need to join a gym – a brisk walk, swim or cycle is just as good although you need to make sure you follow a good skin care routine. Sweat and chlorine would not be high on the list of recommended products to enhance your skin tones!

Regular exercise strengthens your immune system thus helping skin problems such as acne and Rosacea. But don’t overdo it. Over exercise and faddy diets can cause brittle bones but also an imbalance in your hormone levels which can lead to various skin conditions.

Get more sleep – your skin really suffers if you cut back on your rest. Dark under eye circles are never attractive. Watch your central heating system as it takes moisture out of the air leaving skin to become dry and brittle. Smoking and drinking too much alcohol are both bad for your skin as well as your sleeping patterns. Stress shows on your skin sometimes in the form of an allergic reaction. Acne sufferers or those with eczema often comment on how their condition deteriorates if they are under a lot of stress.

Using vitamin C skin care treatments should help prevent your skin bruising easily and becoming dry and flaky.